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Everything posted by Moonlapse

  1. The inevitable effect of the policies and actions of the past on the US economy will be a huge recession and probably some major inflation of the dollar, if foreign banks wise up to the fact that US dollars are pieces of paper backed by a lot of debt. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the dot com and housing thing happened yet again in some other market between now and then.
  2. I'll crash your party with beer and heavy metal!!! Then I'll barf on your front lawn.
  3. I'm not even sure how Google found that page, it's the printable version which I never bothered to format because there are no links to it. I guess I'll have to fix that.
  4. That must have been a temporary error in the way your browser renders CSS. That clickable area up there is actually a text link that has been manipulated with CSS to become large and invisible.
  5. http://www.eoearth.org/article/Mediterrane...d_mixed_forests
  6. When the assumptions that your reality is based on are yanked out from underneath you, you have to completely start from scratch. You will spend years of doubt and insecurity trying to put things back together, but nothing will ever go back together as neatly as it seemed to before. There will always be incredible contradictions that will seem too overwhelming to resolve, and you'll feel like you are running uphill on a sheet of ice. That's life though, thats the challenge that humans are designed to struggle against, and you just HAVE TO keep pushing. You are realizing something that empowers you beyond the people who have not had their phony social conditioning broken. There are many positive things left in life, and things that will bring you joy, but they are entirely different from the things that you've been brought up to expect and you will have to find them. You're not alone and you're not the only person to wake up from your sleep-walking, so don't worry. Good luck with your bookpress, I've developed a similar interest lately, as well as an interest in 19th century literature. Drop me line if you want to shoot the s***. Here's a copyright-free book suggestion for you: Philip Dru, Administrator by Edward Mandell House
  7. Wally Wallington is an excellent name.
  8. Earthquakes are a trip! I lived in the San Fernando valley (Reseda) for a time when I was young, I remember one time I was riding in my brother's 1968 Charger and the thing started bouncing up and down like it was on hydraulics.
  9. The links on the left - Empire, Government, etc - will have their submenus indented and listed below them, sort of like the folder system on your computer. It will actually much much easier for anyone to navigate compared to our current system for displaying submenus. The current system even confuses me sometimes, and I created it.
  10. A logo link has been added and the font has been altered slightly.
  11. The logo is a background image, and not inherently clickable, though I can probably find a workaround in order to turn that area into a link. The font is the same font used throughout the forum, I may just add some letter spacing on the front page to make it more legible. The newer look will enable us to use a much easier menu system and make better use of screen space. The current menu system for the regular content makes me cringe.
  12. I don't really watch TV, the past few movies I've watched are Perfume, The Hours, and Garden State.
  13. I've played it once, I really like the theater playback of the matches. Totally hilarious when you have some beer in you.
  14. WTF happened? I was 20 only a few years ago. Thanks, BTW!
  15. Ha! Like the government would ever do something stupid like that! Oh, wait ... Maybe they'll come to their senses now that everyone from Alan Greenspan to Paul Krugman (see NYT today) recognizes that a bail-out is a cure worse than the disease. People come to their senses? Perhaps when the coming recession is viewed in hind-sight. Alan Greenspan says smart things and does really stupid things. Am I correct to assume that, despite these manufacturing statistics, you think that these figures are not enough to offset our trade imbalance and growing service economy? Do you think that the levels of inflation that are not reflected in government statistics have in effect inflated these manufacturing numbers in terms of actual value?
  16. http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=109712 This article basically states that aerosol pollution is greatly amplifying the greenhouse effect over Asia. However, the consensus is that the cooling period from 1940 - 1970 was caused by aerosol pollution, which was reversed by air pollution laws. Am I missing something? This is a huge contradiction.
  17. I personally don't think its related to anything we are doing, since this stuff is happening out of nowhere. Traffic is only slightly higher than it was last year, and last year things were not as optimized as they are right now.
  18. The only other combination I can see is Ur and Eolh. Tell me!
  19. Pan, try hitting the F5 key. Lagu and Eolh. The shared strokes are tricky.
  20. Last time I played, the game was just barely enjoyable on a high end system with an almost top of the line graphics card and it used up about 1GB of memory!! Things may have improved since then. I would talk to some of the community members about how the gameplay is before making a decision.
  21. I don't know if they cure fear of ceiling fans, but they inspire hilarious terror in my own cat. Frantic scrambling on hard surface floors, full speed running while simultaneously keeping the belly touching the ground, squeezing far into the most remote crevasse that it can possibly find. The only thing that frightens it more is a plastic grocery bag that is being waved around.
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