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About Moonlapse

  • Birthday 10/27/1979

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  1. Thanks for the sympathy, guys. You could say that its been a long time coming, I've always either been to spineless to end it or I just convinced myself that maybe we would be able to change and make it work. I only put myself in a more difficult situation. I'll probably be taking the cat. The silly thing thinks it's #2.
  2. that I may be going through a divorce very soon. Coincidentally, we are taking a vacation next week. Should be fun? Haha, thunder just crashed outside, nice timing.
  3. There is a setting for your profile to allow people to send you an email through the site (you can see it at the bottom left of anyone's profile, right under 'Send Message'). By default it's 'Private', but if you enable it, there will be a link to 'Send Email' under 'Send Message'. Basically, the Yahoo spider was indexing the Send Email form page for someone who had specifically enabled this option.
  4. Moonlapse

    Meaning of Life

    Meaning of life? Does that mean the purpose of all life? Or my personal existential rationalization? There is no answer for the first and the second is something I can't explain and if I could, would only make sense to myself. Its whatever I make of it.
  5. Moonlapse

    Chick Flicks

    I don't like 'typical' chick flicks, not because they're romantic, but because they are usually shitty films... like a lot of 'typical' action films. But I wouldn't consider The English Patient to be a typical chick flick.
  6. Start clapping, it's Heino! I have some vintage Heino vinyls that are part of a collection I inherited from my grandparents.
  7. I'm sure all this can be done using Google Maps API, and it wouldn't be using unrv.com server resources. In fact, that's what I want to use eventually for interactive province maps (which would integrate with any other map stuff like archaeological locations, pictures, etc) If someone else knows how to do it and wants to do it, that's awesome. For me to do it, it would have to be queued and I really can't tell you when it would be done.
  8. Strange how they don't mention Portugal at all, its been a real-world test of alternative policies applied to every drug. Actually, the whole article seems like naive (or misleading) conjecture. In all reality, marijuana legalization would most likely lead to something similar to what has happened with beer microbreweries in the US. You'd have a multitude of competing 'micronurseries' who try to provide something unique and enjoyable in order to establish a name for themselves. The idea of a foreign cartel improvising by creating superstrength pot that hospitalizes people is absurd. That implies that you could make illegal 150 proof low-quality beer to get an edge on American microbreweries. They would have to improvise by providing quality at a competitive price, which is exactly how free markets within a legal framework have been demonstrated to work throughout history. If the Obama administration halts federal raids on California dispensaries and possibly intervenes in federal cases like the one involving Charlie Lynch, I'll take that as an extremely positive sign, but I haven't seen that yet.
  9. http://www.chimay.com/en/chimay_blue_220.php This is pricey, but it's worth buying every once in a while. It's a Trappist ale, which in my experience are usually near perfect beers. Its sweet and malty with a little bit of spicy hops. Nice deep cloudy red color. Very mellow aroma, like bread. Its hard to tell that its 9% alcohol because its VERY smooth. I find that it tastes best when its cool/lukewarm. It has a certain typical 'Belgian' flavor that may be due to the yeast, but I'm not sure. If it didn't cost so much I'd buy it all the time. Absolutely excellent.
  10. I was going to comment this in Ursus' blog post on decriminalization, but his slate has been wiped clean. It statistically documents the predictable benefits of Portugal's decriminalization of drug use. http://www.scribd.com/doc/13784156/Drug-De...ato-White-Paper
  11. One of my favorites as well. I really like . by Claude Debussy. movie? String Quartet in F Major, Assez vif - Tres rythme by Maurice Ravel. The Royal Tenenbaums Piano Concerto No. 3 by Rachmaninoff. Shine
  12. Ooohhh, my favorite subject. I have indeed had Midas Touch several times, I buy it whenever its available. Some people don't think it's all that, but I really enjoy it. It is similar to a fruit lambic in some ways, it doesn't really taste like beer and it definitely has a grapey meady taste. Different batches have slight differences in flavor, smell, etc. I like the mouthfeel as well, its not watery. I won't try to describe the flavor in detail, so you'll have to find it and see if it suits your tastes.
  13. Thumbs up on Royksopp, Vangelis and Jem. The game that totally blew me away was
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