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Everything posted by Nfora

  1. Nfora

    Graduate School

    My main problems come from my GPA and my background in Greek. Because I did not begin my undergraduate studies in the field, I not only had a late start, I also have a number of grades that aren't up to the standard of the rest of my transcript. While in my Classics courses, my GPA may finish somewhere in the vicinity of 3.6-3.8, my cGPA is likely only to be 3.3. In Greek, I expect to get no further than the end of the second book of ATHENAZE: An Introduction to Ancient Greek by Balme and Lawall. While I'd love to study at Berkeley or any of the other top schools, I can't help but feel that applying may be a lost cause. Is it at all common for an American school such as Berkeley, or a top Canadian institution such as the University of Toronto, to admit students into some form of 'bridging year'?
  2. Nfora

    Graduate School

    I'm currently entering the final year of my undergraduate studies in Classics at the University of New Brunswick, in Canada; and am beginning to look for an institution at which I can continue my studies. I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions. Currently, my primary interests are in the Roman Republic, generally before the civil wars, and possibly in inscriptions from the same period. My background in Latin, when I complete my undergraduate degree, should be adequate for nearly any program, but I will only have completed two years of Greek. I'd appreciate any suggestions you can give me.
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