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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Julius Octavius

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Everything posted by Julius Octavius

  1. I whant to be - excuse Realy this is not a place to post something about American politics, sory. p.s - My be i shall make anothoer topic , to see the position of all the members here .
  2. USA - nooooo ! Freedom heheheheh , they don't know what freedom realy is. Usa they don't have traditions , they are one hmm artificial Country . Everybody is from somewhere :-) You thing they are the most powerful nation in the world , heh. I thing they are the true terrorists in the modern world , not the nations they attack . But soon they shall pay for these anti-human act . I can write a lot about usa , but my words can't stop this madness
  3. Hmmm the Rebirth of the Roman Empire , sounds good for me Ok pick me in It is realy inmposible to belive , mabe if someone form a small union of peoples who are ready to follow him in this Ancient dream we have some .... hope . Damn im a sick man , but i realy what that.. again .
  4. here : Gaius Julius Caesar , Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa , Gaius Julius Octavius ( Augustus - may be not on the battlefield but he is a great man) . Marcus Ulpius Trajanus .. Hmm i agree with most of names in post here , but i love them more.. p.s - Lucius Cornelius Sulla - hah what do you thing What a name wow
  5. Hi everybody Nice to be here with other like me I mean people who love Roman Empire , so for everybody who don't like this period of the Human history - don't be wory you all shall be slaves soon So i hope we will have a good time toghether , in near future .
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