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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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  1. If it was a city than the answer is definitely, "NO!" You wouldn't want another 9/11 to happen to the 'New Rome', especially since terrorists are all over the globe now. Roman architecture was definitely weaker than modern day architecture (Our buildings are made of titanium and steel, their's is well...made out of marble and stone). If it was "Zeke the Celt's Roman Fair" than it's be a completely different story.
  2. I was reading the Gladiators topic (I even responded to the Secutor), so I decided to make my own one...hahaha. Same rules apply: One person calls out a military unit name (From any country if you like), and the next person responds to what weapons/armor they wore, then names another one, and repeats. Okay...Phalanx!
  3. My list...non-alphabetatically Hannibal, Spartacus, Alexander The Great, Achillies (He may have been mythical...), Hector.
  4. A Secutor had a kind of funny way of fighting his opponent, chasing him around the arena. The Secutor, had a helmet which had very small eye holes in them, on his left arm (If he was right-handed) was a metal, or leather, bracer going from his hand, to his shoulder. His weapon was a short sword, or a dagger. Let's see...African gladiator
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