please whoever stubles on this board please take the time to help me and read it and reply.
I bought the series and watched all episodes.
I know maybe some of these questions have been asked before, dont be mad at me, they are very important to me please help.
1. was the city really that dirty and grimy and gritty? was the stone fromt eh temples really that dirty ,and blackened?
2. Most of the characters faces on the series have this aged kind of dirty look to them, is this the work of makeup, and effects, or could real romans look like that?
3. Were there things in this movie that are not historicaly accurate?
4. Would it be possible for such a story, as Vorenus and pullos be actually true?
5. was murder that acceptable in ancient rome? where was the justice? could a roman just kill a guy on the street and get away with it?
6.gladiator scene: can flesh really cut that easily? like when pullo chopped of that guys head with his SHIELD is that possible that the flesh cuts (BOBES) like butter?
7. Were there other dramatic stories like this one that could be told from other times of rome history?
8. this is kind of dumb but all well it is important: could ordinary roman have real adventures like say pullo, that we dont know about historically?
or other scenarios happening like for example the whole drama with that baby child lucius?
9. Dialouge: Did romans actually talk like in this series? Did they have conversations about things portrayed in this series? fro example: lucius asking advice about women to vorenus? or other things too!
10. Overal look: could this show be actually almost exactly what the roman world look like? was it really that kind of epic, or am I blinded by makeup, and cgi and lighting and effects? could ancient rome and its people look like in this series? naturally?
only ten questions
good long replies, I am apprecitve of any
please reply help out