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roman wargamer

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Everything posted by roman wargamer

  1. i have read what you have read , Zeke. but initially lost at the term Little Big Horn, But in Gettyburgs it is the Little Top and The Big Top. the last line of the Union Forces was that two little hill. Terrain can really affect the Outcome of battle. For me Zama is number 1 and lets give the Cannensis their Voice. Hannibal will be long remember by Rome.
  2. i can never claim any expertise in any field... even i have study some...though i have my own opinion, and consider my workguess on military organizational battle "wargame" model a breakthrough, as more realistic recreation, of how the battle was won and or lost. without the use of dices , cards , or tape measure as rule. but the movement is true like the flanking strategy attack , and the combat action egagaement rule in battle simple.
  3. i am dead dead tired of receiving this type of email and "Virus" sender //============================================================================// PUBLIC AWARENESS ADVISORY REGARDING "4-1-9" OR "ADVANCE FEE FRAUD" SCHEMES 4-1-9 Schemes frequently use the following tactics: An individual or company receives a letter or fax from an alleged "official" representing a foreign government or agency; An offer is made to transfer millions of dollars in "over invoiced contract" funds into your personal bank account; You are encouraged to travel overseas to complete the transaction; You are requested to provide blank company letterhead forms, banking account information, telephone/fax numbers; You receive numerous documents with official looking stamps, seals and logo testifying to the authenticity of the proposal; Eventually you must provide up-front or advance fees for various taxes, attorney fees, transaction fees or bribes; Other forms of 4-1-9 schemes include: c.o.d. of goods or services, real estate ventures, purchases of crude oil at reduced prices, beneficiary of a will, recipient of an award and paper currency conversion. If you have already lost funds in pursuit of the above described scheme, please contact your local Secret Service field office. Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud Overview The perpetrators of Advance Fee Fraud (AFF), known internationally as "4-1-9" fraud after the section of the Nigerian penal code which addresses fraud schemes, are often very creative and innovative. Unfortunately, there is a perception that no one is prone to enter into such an obviously suspicious relationship. However, a large number of victims are enticed into believing they have been singled out from the masses to share in multi-million dollar windfall profits for doing absolutely nothing. It is also a misconception that the victim's bank account is requested so the culprit can plunder it -- this is not the primary reason for the account request -- merely a signal they have hooked another victim. In almost every case there is a sense of urgency; The victim is enticed to travel to Nigeria or a border country; There are many forged official looking documents; Most of the correspondence is handled by fax or through the mail; Blank letterheads and invoices are requested from the victim along with the banking particulars; Any number of Nigerian fees are requested for processing the transaction with each fee purported to be the last required; The confidential nature of the transaction is emphasized; There are usually claims of strong ties to Nigerian officials; A Nigerian residing in the U.S., London or other foreign venue may claim to be a clearing house bank for the Central Bank of Nigeria; Offices in legitimate government buildings appear to have been used by impostors posing as the real occupants or officials. The most common forms of these fraudulent business proposals fall into seven main categories: Disbursement of money from wills Contract fraud (C.O.D. of goods or services) Purchase of real estate Conversion of hard currency Transfer of funds from over invoiced contracts Sale of crude oil at below market prices The most prevalent and successful cases of Advance Fee Fraud is the fund transfer scam. In this scheme, a company or individual will typically receive an unsolicited letter by mail from a Nigerian claiming to be a senior civil servant. In the letter, the Nigerian will inform the recipient that he is seeking a reputable foreign company or individual into whose account he can deposit funds ranging from $10-$60 million that the Nigerian government overpaid on some procurement contract. The criminals obtain the names of potential victims from a variety of sources including trade journals, professional directories, newspapers, and commercial libraries. They do not target a single company, but rather send out mailings en masse. The sender declares that he is a senior civil servant in one of the Nigerian Ministries, usually the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The letters refer to investigations of previous contracts awarded by prior regimes alleging that many contracts were over invoiced. Rather than return the money to the government, they desire to transfer the money to a foreign account. The sums to be transferred average between $10,000,000 to $60,000,000 and the recipient is usually offered a commission up to 30 percent for assisting in the transfer. Initially, the intended victim is instructed to provide company letterheads and pro forma invoicing that will be used to show completion of the contract. One of the reasons is to use the victim's letterhead to forge letters of recommendation to other victim companies and to seek out a travel visa from the American Embassy in Lagos. The victim is told that the completed contracts will be submitted for approval to the Central Bank of Nigeria. Upon approval, the funds will be remitted to an account supplied by the intended victim. The goal of the criminal is to delude the target into thinking that he is being drawn into a very lucrative, albeit questionable, arrangement. The intended victim must be reassured and confident of the potential success of the deal. He will become the primary supporter of the scheme and willingly contribute a large amount of money when the deal is threatened. The term "when" is used because the con-within-the-con is the scheme will be threatened in order to persuade the victim to provide a large sum of money to save the venture. The letter, while appearing transparent and even ridiculous to most, unfortunately is growing in its effectiveness. It sets the stage and is the opening round of a two-layered scheme or scheme within a scheme. The fraudster will eventually reach someone who, while skeptical, desperately wants the deal to be genuine. Victims are almost always requested to travel to Nigeria or a border country to complete a transaction. Individuals are often told that a visa will not be necessary to enter the country. The Nigerian con artists may then bribe airport officials to pass the victims through Immigration and Customs. Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the fraudsters as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds. Violence and threats of physical harm may be employed to further pressure victims. In June of 1995, an American was murdered in Lagos, Nigeria, while pursuing a 4-1-9 scam, and numerous other foreign nationals have been reported as missing. Victims are often convinced of the authenticity of Advance Fee Fraud schemes by the forged or false documents bearing apparently official Nigerian government letterhead, seals, as well as false letters of credit, payment schedules and bank drafts. The fraudster may establish the credibility of his contacts, and thereby his influence, by arranging a meeting between the victim and "government officials" in real or fake government offices. In the next stage some alleged problem concerning the "inside man" will suddenly arise. An official will demand an up-front bribe or an unforeseen tax or fee to the Nigerian government will have to be paid before the money can be transferred. These can include licensing fees, registration fees, and various forms of taxes and attorney fees. Normally each fee paid is described as the very last fee required. Invariably, oversights and errors in the deal are discovered by the Nigerians, necessitating additional payments and allowing the scheme to be stretched out over many months. Several reasons have been submitted why Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud has undergone a dramatic increase in recent years. The explanations are as diverse as the types of schemes. The Nigerian Government blames the growing problem on mass unemployment, extended family systems, a get rich quick syndrome, and, especially, the greed of foreigners. Indications are that Advance Fee Fraud grosses hundreds of millions of dollars annually and the losses are continuing to escalate. In all likelihood, there are victims who do not report their losses to authorities due to either fear or embarrassment. If you feel you have been a victim of any of these schemes contact your local field office for assistance. About
  4. But he left Rome after , and the 36 TRIBE is not yet United. so the ancient superpower is not yet in existence in unity.
  5. in terms of war effect to Rome... Hannibal The Conqueror. he almost destroyed 30% of Rome Attila The Hun, he reach the gates of Rome Arminius and All Germania Tribe, they Stop the expansion Mithridates , they make Rome worrisome
  6. for clarification of definition only for clearer limit "same" terrain, "same" army size, "same" equipment, Boy that's an understatement. The Cannae is still to this day a classified military manuever that all generals dream of executing. It is very rare for it to actually take place. Hannibal was the first and might I say still the greatest to do so. My only problem with Hannibal was not his tactical brilliance, but his stategic thinking. He did so great things, but the fact is Carthage disbanded a huge chunk of their navy and it lead to their downfall. I don't know how much Hannibal had to do with it, but it was decisive. Otherwise this site would be dedicated to Carthaginian History. It would be like a major power today disbanding a large chunk of its Air Force. -------------------- Markus Regulus -- The Republic Never Dies you misplaced limit!!! the Cannae have an Unequal Force and Advantage. Rome have the arms,shields,equipment and numbers. But Hannibal control the choice and higher grounds. To be Direct, Hannibal is next to Julius Caesar.
  7. You think if they had less to carry they would march 50 miles? Zeke here is my simple answer. The legion are train to a normal March of 25 mile on 5 hours, and fours hours running in training. In this march the baggage train can catch up the men. In case of emergency,they wake up in the middle of the night, to begin march. and stop at 1 p.m. so it 12 hours. and of course without the baggage train. the Legioner normally have it's own food for 15 days in the soldier bag. so in effect,it is almost the same as normal march, but only longer time, around 12 hours. without the baggage train for longer time, it will catch up later after a few days. the legioner eats twice than he normally eat, so he have food for 1 weeks. But of course, it is normally done on terrain, the Roman already know or well verse. The roads are already existing.
  8. taking ONLY tactics and use of strategies into account, (for clarification of definition only for clearer limit "same" terrain, "same" army size, "same" equipment, Julius Caeser in the Battle of Munda, he rely on the 10th Legion for the Opening to Push through, to be Flank by Cavalry. Unluckyl for the enemy they commited some Blunder, it is now that mistake history highlighted. when they withdraw the cavalry to protect there own Camp which is under attack, it is presume by the Infantry as a withdrawal, the moral sunk, and the fighting Spirit is gone. The rest is history. Julius Caeser say's in this Battle e fight for his Life. Hannibal is wothy of mentioned in the battle of Cannae.
  9. my best beat... the 2nd punic war up to Octavian ascension.
  10. for me he is the greatest and the longest serving... he made Rome more stable than before and survive longer.
  11. the normal march is 6 to 8 hours, and the remaining 4 to 6 hours are for building camp. actually the advance engineer scout determine the terrain and the distance , relative to the basic minimum requirement .
  12. technically it is possible , we done it many times when i work in a logging company , but the road or pathway terrain is already existing , it is different when the way are blocked by bush , grass or small trees or plants. in virgin forest , a 100 meter could take you one hour. a 100 meter hill in 45 degree could take you one hour. my comment is base on my experience while working. but in military march , like the Roman who are highly organizational , the slowest unit dictate the pace. and logistically it is the right march. the food in the heavy mobile cart will dictate the march.
  13. for me Scipio Africanus was a good general...for he he did not attack Hannibal at its own chioce of battlefield. he first defeated the Spain forces, the middle of Carthage Force or No. 2 position in the War then the No. 3 position or the Carthage heartland but he never return to Italia to attack Hannibal...Why??? the No. ! position but waited for him in Africa...so Hannibal will be force to LEFT all its advantages he have in Italia. the terrain and expereince the veteran manpower, number and organization weapons , artillery and big catapult for they do not have the ship to take them all to Africa. so Africanus really attack Hannibal from the REAR. from the weakess to the strongest Point. from No. 3 toward tho 1 or the headpoint. for me it is a good tactiacal decision from the beginning
  14. for me it is the US economy , my first choice, then the UK for the touch of monarchy.
  15. 211 BC Upper Baetis the Carthaginians win Hasdrubal the Romans lost Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio both was killed and drove the Romans into Ebro it is not Africanus who defleted the Carthage Spain force after the 211 BC Upper Baetis battle , both Scipio was killed Hasdrubal march south going to Rome,and was deafeted by M. Livius Salinitor and C. Cladius Nero it is here where the main force in Spain was desroyed So when the young Scipio was send to Spain, the forces left there is no longer a threat 210 P. Cornelius Scipio son of the just died general,just 25 years old was given a proconsul power and was sent to Spain and later known as Africanus after the battle at Zama
  16. //===================================================// The Scipio Family in the Punic Wars "i research this article due to my confusion on the Scipio name and or person" roman wargamer 1st Punic War 260 consul Cn.Cornelius Scipio lost 17 ship of Lipan Island 2nd Punic War 218-201 after the assination of Hasdrubal Hnnibal succeded the throne 219 he destroyed Saguntum 218 he executed a daring march with 26,000 troops consul P.Cornelius Scipio reach Marseilles to late he therefore sent his brother to Spain Cnaeus Scipio with most of the fleet. Hannibal win at Ticinus, P. Cornelius Scipio lost Hannibal win at Trebia,consul Sempronius Longus lost 217 Hannibal cross Appennines west of two new Roman army posted at Ariminum and Arretimi Hannibal win at Trasimene,consul Flaminus lost Rome terrified appoint Dictator Quintus Favius Maximus known as "the Delayer" nickname Contator 216 Hannibal win at Cannae against proconsul C. Terentius Varro "the escaper" and proconsul M. Cladius Marcellus 86,000 legioner was annihilated 216 1st Nola Roman win agaisnt Hannibal 215 2nd Nola Roman win agaisnt Hannibal 214 Draw 3rd Nola and drove the Romans into Ebro 212 BC 1st Capua win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (Fulvius Flaccus, Appius Claudius) 212 BC Silarus win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (M. Centenius Pentula) 212 BC Herdonia win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (Gn. Flavius) 211 BC Syracuse win Romans (M.Claudius Marcellus) lost Syracusans 211 BC Upper Baetis win Carthaginians (Hasdrubal) lost Romans (Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio) both was killed and drove the Romans into Ebro 211 BC Siege of Capua win Romans lost Carthaginians (Hannibal) 210 BC Herdoinia win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (F. Centumalus) 210 BC Numistro win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (Marcellus) 210 P. Cornelius Scipio son of the just died general was given a proconsul power and was sent to Spain and later known as Africanus 209 BC Asculum win Carthaginians (Hannibal) lost Romans (Marcellus) 208 BC Baecula win Romans (P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus) lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal Barca) 207 BC Grumentum *Draw* Romans (C.Claudius Nero) *Draw* Carthaginians (Hannibal) 207 BC Metaurus win Romans (C.Claudius Nero) lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal Barca)was killed 206 BC Ilipa win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus) lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal) 203 BC Bagbrades win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus) lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal/Syphax) 202 BC Zama win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus) lost Carthaginians (Hannibal) he escape //==================================================// 260 consul Cn.Cornelius Scipio lost 17 ship of Lipan Island 218 consul P.Cornelius Scipio reach Marseilles to late he therefore sent his brother to Spain Cnaeus Scipio with most of the fleet. 210 P. Cornelius Scipio son of the just died general was given a proconsul power and was sent to Spain and later known as Africanus 190 L. Cornelius Scipio later known as Asiaticus 146 Aemilianus Scipio in 211 both brother was killed in Spain consul P.Cornelius Scipio and Cnaeus Scipio and other Scipio??? //=================================================// 190 brother P. Cornelius Scipio later known as Africanus L. Cornelius Scipio later known as Asiaticus at the Magnesia Battle near Smyrna , they win agaisnt Antichus and obliged him to surrender Hannibal to Rome and give up all European and Asiatic possession though the Carthage general escape 183 BCE Hannibal poison himself at the court of Prusias I of Bithynia who was about to betray him to Rome. //===================================================// If hanibal was really so great would he have gotten involved in a war that he had no chance of winning? Threatening his life, family, and people in the process of his blunder? post by Iulius Hannibal actually always propose a peace agreement and Rome senate always refuse even after Cannae. //===================================================// Actually, Quintius Fabius Maximus Cunctator gets the credit for that tactic...and the Senate was not smart enough to adopt it after his dictatorship ended. post by haimore. i will change my view after my research and you are right, but cuntator have a bad meaning.
  17. i like Marius very much , very organizationally structured. and the cunning Julius Caesar for his razor sharp decision. how about Octavian who secured the Caesar Legacy.
  18. although there is many parallel. Rome history can not be repeated. it is to simple,the US constitution have term limit on president. and the coup de etat is next to impossible. but in many aspect they have many simillarity.
  19. after Julius Caesar victory , he raise the number into 900. the Roman senate. but the free grains reduce from 300,000 into 150,000 only. any topic or opinion of its overall effect. "whats the number of senator?" whats the number on patriarch? on the foundation of Rome? on the republic time? and on the time of Augustus the 1st emperor. and how about the knight or equites population?
  20. Actually, Quintius Fabius Maximus Cunctator gets the credit for that tactic...and the Senate was not smart enough to adopt it after his dictatorship ended. Yes! but he is the most famous one who use it. and Proven it practicallity and even win a War. even the phalaxn is not invented by Phillip.
  21. i presume Hannibal was only logical, like Napoleon on his war with Russia...Moscow can be taken...but the question of long time occupation was next to impossible when the enemy others Army is still "intact" and without enough forces for conquer and battle the retreat left force.
  22. it is Phillip who first Use the phalanx successfully. and Alexander the concentrated Main attack. Marius reform he Legion into cohesive army. Hannibal the very long flanking attack. the legion normally holds a depths of 1 miles, he attack it at the very end,on the command nucleus. Scipio the Delaying Tactic until the Enemy are Weak. Juius Caesar have learn all of it and Perfected it to Arts. Octavian win a War even without great battle, by political and military manuever only. The Legion is the Coventional way of making battle. the Battle Line Formation use until now.
  23. "What made the Roman Army sucessful was the use of manipular tactics, that is attacking in a checker board fashion. It had the strenghts of Phalanx actions with the fluidity of skrermish tactics." i wonder why it can not be re created in table top wargame. when modern math is already existing to deal with it.
  24. my weird reply ... the decay of Rome was cause by they no longer have any great enemy and slowly the Roman noble and knights population was never replace or slowly decreased in number due to war casualty and prolong service that prohibit marriage and family. without heir to take its place, legal heir.
  25. actually i condider Scipio a best and great general. he lost some battle but win the war aginst Carthage. but i consider Hannibal above him in accomplishment. in military terms not on political achivement. Julius Caesar is Great. Both on military and political. Scipio will be forever remember as the one who defeated= Hannibal as the fearsome who walk on Italian soil for 16 years and won many great battle against the Super power of that Time before he was deafeted.
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