roman wargamer
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see some practical question? The Lord God is in heaven. When Lord Jesus "The Christ" go to heaven, He sat on the right hand of God. So there is a one who sit and a one being sit upon. Is 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 ? or 3, which is right. === The very term Trinity means Three Gods and not One God. And the very word Trnity can never be found or read in the Holy Bible. === When Jesus Christ, a man in nature died in the cross, is the Father God you are talking also die. If the answer is yes, then your percieved god do die. Do true god really die? If the answer is not, then the God is different from a man Jesus. === Let's read a short qoute from the Bible. God is Immortal. "Now to the King eternal,immortal,invinsible,to God who are alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever,Amen. "( I Tim 1:17 ) Jesus Christ died on the cross. "So when jesus had received the sour wine.He said "It is finished" And bowing his head .he give up his spirit ,...But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead,they did not break his legs. ( Jn 19:30-33 ) === The Doctrine that Jesus is also God...was only formulated in the Council of Nicea.
Ancient Pagan Holidays
roman wargamer replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Templum Romae - Temple of Rome
ill try next visit but i think it coud raise another eyebrow, because of religeous flavor. -
Apsotle Paul ... How important was he to the church? ------------------------------------------------------------ i keep on wondering why the Roman Catholic ( error ) say's that Apostle Peter is the first roman pope, when he never set foot in Rome. and it is Apostle Paul, who studied under the feet of Gamaliel and member of the nobility, a member of the Jewish Sanedrin ( senate house ) and a Roman Citizen ,speaks many language, the highest educated member of the church, even vigorously persecuted the Church of Christ , before he suddenly converted to it. and from there on... bring it to many parts of the ancient known city centers of the world. but it is Apostle "Santiago" ( our dialect Bible ) that i read who is the head church administrator, after Lord Jesus Christ go to heaven and set in the right hand of our Lord God. The Israel and Church of Christ have only one God. and most Protestant religion have two gods, and some Protestant and the Roman Catholic have three gods, and believe in the Trinity Doctrine.
most commoner will easily regocnized these famous name... ============= Israel King David Greece Alexander The Great Chartage Hannibal Barca of Cannae Rome Gaius Julius Caesar Constantinople Belisarius Flavius Belisarius Macedon Philip II King of Macedon Khalid ibn al-Walid the most well known Muslim General Eagypt Tuthmosis III Pharaoh of Egypt Persia Cyrus Achaemenid King of Persia , the Great China Shi Huang-ti Chao Cheng Emperor of the Qin , unified China Seleucus I Diadochi and Seleucid Founder 'Nicator' Seleucids Founder Rome Gaius Marius Father of the Commoner Legion Rome Publius Cornelius Scipio First Tactician and Strategist Constantine I (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) Roman Emperor 'the Great' for Christianity Rameses II Pharaoh of Egypt Sargon II King of Assyria Cyaxeres King of Media Nebuchadnezzar II King of Babylonia Darius I King of Persia 'the Great' Leonidas I King of Sparta Artaxerxes II King of Persia Ptolemy I Soter Pyrrhus King of Epirus ============================================= what a good research job Spartan JKM, i love it reading again on my next visit.
What Would You Be In Roman Society....
roman wargamer replied to Sextus Roscius's topic in Imperium Romanorum
i preferred to be the Primum Augmen military tribune of the three cohortia. to command the legiones best youngest milites and see all those First Blood letting of the dying soldier and see and feel eye to eye how to be in danger of death. -
Hannibal Barca
roman wargamer replied to Spartan JKM's topic in Gloria Exercitus - 'Glory of the Army'
it is my 2nd readings and my first comment. the thread should be more expanded into a short article, or book in the future. you are gifted in writing Spartan JKM. here is my simple comparizon. USA and the Spain War Rome = is the modern USA 600 senator 40,000 family 35 tribe/ state = 50 state 150,000 active soldier = million active soldier, most modern 150,000 reserve = comparative reserve 500,000 reactive = more possible reactive Rome could easily produce a Counsular Legionary Army from the confederation of the 35 Tribe / State members each Senator will be require only to give 100 to 200 manpower. Hannibal do not have any of this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hannibal = Spain 1 family few tribe/ Chartage 40,000 active soldier 40,000 reseve 40,000 reactive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it is like the US war against Iraq. the ENDs have long been known to the US / Rome senate from the beginning. it will cost them, but they know they will Win it, and very Sure of it. rad ===== -
i am an avid military wargame on board creator. Roman Wargame III is my second game. _________________________________________________________________ The Guinness Book of Worlds Records 1993 Edition The game of chess is believe to have originated in ancient India under the name "Chaturanga"( literally "four-corps")- the name for the four traditional ancient army division. __________________________________________________________________ my question to any math expert is to solve this exponential possibilities. in chess...one piece is move for the player turn...and it take the SuperCray Computer to defeat the best player in the world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in roman wargame the foot soldier ( infantry ) have an average 27 possible movement. the horse soldier ( knight ) have an average 90 possible movement. in model no. 3, their is 27 foot soldier and 9 knight. but the player no. 1 will going to move all those player pieces, all at once. before the player no. 2 will going to all his own player pieces, and also all at once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so the question is this... how high is the exponential variation possibilities? in my rough estimate... it is like playing 4 chess set all at the same time in the same board and moving all the pieces at once. i develop a way to avoid confusion on how to identify player piece no 1 from player pieces no. 36. rad ==
hi Libertus, can i email you, i like to ask some question. im an avid game creator that have a very high exponential probability of variation. what your email address, roman wargamer
a Roman legiones have all this weapons, for example the Hastatus... shield......................................=scutum sword......................................=gladius ,and a pugio and axe big spear................................=spear weapon.............. "hastae" primum weapon small spear.............................=spear weapon.............. "hastula" ( use as reserve in case the hastae break ? ) big javelin...............................=thong javelin............... "amentata" small javelin...........................= light trowing spear........"velitaris" ( with soft iron tip, terms could be ,small spear , javelin , or dart ) they all have this weapons and armour , and carry it in their body, that's why they are called the "heavy infantry". ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ note: Marius and Scipio created most of the innovation. but all of the explanation are base on my in-depth workguess and i claim copyright on this article.
it can never be understand... until you will know the the right and proper centurion formation. each legiones soldier have a basic formation and distance. how they could rotate the front rank? __________________________________________________________________________________ see related article 'The Cohors" for detailed formation here the figure represent 1 man ___________________________________________________________________________________ the contubernia have 9 man member, 3 man shoulder to shoulder and 3 man at the back and 3 man at rearmost or 27 men for the contutriplia. the first line protect the frontal coverage the second line protect the front men head coverage from arrow the third line continue to protect the head coverage from arrow the men , they all have a minimum of two feet distance between each other. when the posterior come forward , they "PASS" on that "Space" without breaking their own line formation or the prior line formation. they could rotate the front rank and rear rank without Breaking any formation. Primum Acies of the Cohors ================ 0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/..=............Anteadstatus / medium infantry / phalanx / supernumerary 0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/.. 0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/.,.0/..0/..0/.. []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/.=............Hastatus Prior / heavy infantry []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/ []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/ []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/.=............Hastatus Posterior / heavy infantry []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/ []/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/...[]/.[]/.[]/
they will only make me famous and known. _____________________________________________________________________________ i have been reprimanded by some military personnel for my battletank game. but i'm civilian. the "one" who have been featured in TV, but only once. they say it is the most realistic military wargame model they see in their life for the first time. and exponential probability of variation is extremely high. ______________________________________________________________________________ i can even properly do an standard US military organizational structure, i can post it, if i want it, but if you are the one who will do it, i think you will be reprimanded or get into trouble. but i will try it later, to see if i will get into trouble. like my post Is Jesus Christ really God from the begining article.
i am not conveying anything, i am a civilian, it just happen military education was one of my primary hobby next to theology study.( i already created 2 military wargame in board ) as to what i mean to LIC, it means Low Intensity Conflict kind of war. the US Military now have no "Fear" of any Form of conventional warfare. Except to Nuclear War. where survivor's next day is the doomday death. most airborne division have big and heavy plane, like what the Nuke Pre-Emptive air-force is using. so what i mean your base will be magnet to ICBM target, in case of nuke war. i hope i make it clear.
i am thinking more about "nuclear war scenario", for conventional warfare have now become LIC case. sometime ago, "it happen in a live TV with Radio program", i will not directly mentioned it. i watch it. some worker mentioned that they have worked in an underground US Military base, that have this and that, they are blindfolded when entering and leaving, local people can easily identify the general area. and it indicated, could be a missile silo, luckily the anchorman personally censor it indirectly & directly. although the base are not public knowledged, local talk of seeing weird flying and sounds. it been a US Policy never to deny or acknowledged, a secret AFB ( Missile ) base exist.
Western Perception Of Islam
roman wargamer replied to Felix Marcellus's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
when US President George Bush declare war on Iraq. with Congress approval. majority of the US Citizen did not conform, and they have no way to "Stop It". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Why does, everytime a Republican Candidate win the presidency, there is a "WAR" ? ) i notice it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Iraq today, those who are Pro-Democracy is fighting for their life, isn't it worth helping them. and at least create a base for future pro-western country. and not look only at the damages, those radical few are doing. -
is identifying yourself as US military does not fall under those code. and accidentally devulge confidntial military information. just asking ? in WW II, when the German pilot was down, the Allies can identify their unit and location. simply by those ordinary theater, bus , and public ticket. and the question what is your unit.
Western Perception Of Islam
roman wargamer replied to Felix Marcellus's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Let the truth speak, and the truth will set you free. No Major religion that "exist" todate, that did not have religious war of expansion or defense. ____________________________________________________________________________ The Roman Catholic have the Inquisition ( Hunting of not Catholic ) and the Crusader War. Th Muslim ( Islam ) have the Holy War of Conversion, they even reach Spain. Even the Anglican Protestant have a war against Catholic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it just happen, that the radical segment of Arab World, is doing those under the name of Islam. -
Western Perception Of Islam
roman wargamer replied to Felix Marcellus's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
if we will take your argument, then the IRA Catholic can also be labeled as a terrorist. if we will go to the US prison, most of the prisoner are protestant. if we will go to the Italy prison, most of the prisoner are catholic. no body can claim he never made a wrongdoings , sin or even petty crimes. Bin Laden can be compare to Adolf Hitler, using hate campaign to advance his own agenda. and the Isalm religion as his Party or Machinery. -
your funny Onasander, what to be embarrassed , it is already a long long past history, you have no control or influence.
nobody knows today, that the Aguinaldo Insurrection or the Philippines War of Independence, cause them 90% of the adult population, like what happen to Geronimo Indian race. the Balanga Bell story, the whole Company of soldiers was killed by surprised attack of the local people and coordinated by the bell ring, using only mostly bolo and spears. the US Army returns, and kill all the adult population in an intensified mopping operation on the whole island. 15th Infantry Regiment kill more people in the Philippines than in China. some estimate says it could reach 60 - 70% of the adult male population. do not think i am anti-american or US. my uncle was killed in Vietnam War as Navy personnel. without killing an enemy he become a hero and hold the title as the first Filipino US Navy who died in Vietnam. simply by running to close the Gate of the camp that cause his life, then in return it was name after him. Camp Restituto Adenir, Da Nang, Vietnam. After battle report indicate that most of the enemy forces was on the commandered truck, if the gate was not closed, a bloody hand to hand combat against the death squad could possible happen.
--- =your perspective is not the same with the Company CO., Battalion CO, and Regiment CO. the Brigade is the equivalent of the Legion. --- =so how can you compare 50 soldier to 80,000 men battle. ---- People to this day study battles like Cannae and Andrianople, =why because it show that an inferior force can win. by the use of tactic ( position ) and strategy ( movement ) --- A example from my first experiance, basic training. Drill Sargents started taking out white dynamite, lit it and then made motion to throw it The thing exploded, and we all hit the deck, and looked at the drill sergent ...and started running frantically up the hill =it is a simulated ambush --- M16 slapping into my side, =wrong... weapons must be always ready for fire possession. --- moving pass groups in a broken chain five to ten guys here and there, moving at various speeds .. block my vision and blunt my abilitity to hear. We finally got to the top of that road, and waited for everyone to catch up =who is the platoon CO? a Lt. or FSgt. why no platoon formation ? who is the point man/team? . advance team guard ? right and left flank guard teams? rear guard team? why no retreat plan? --- it was company size, four platoons a company four squads a platoon, a squad being about nine guys a squad being about nine guy= 36 men platoon= 8 squads. =again, why no platoon formation??? --- The first mission a enemy ambush was set on the hill road, allowing us to pass through unmolested =why your platoon did not set a security parameter on the road side? ---- till we got to the waterpoint. =your flank or rear become open and unguarded. --- Then they called in artillery ...knowing that some be killed, =where is the standard retreat plan? --- and would have to go uphill =wrong, it is wrong to climb up hill if you are... on the ambush... naturally they will control the high ground. ---- a perfect time to attack us. So, when we could lest counter. =what a perfect one flank ambush. --- The guys who got the most praise afterwards the most loudmouth and rash ones who just started ordering people to do stuff =the right thing to do. --- when they didn't really know what was going on, =everyone do not know what happen. --- and more often than not got in the traps. =but they are trying to keep the platoon on order. When Rome fough barbarians or nations... But a major defeat, the kind most diligently studied in the war colleges and universities across the globe? Did the great defeats really happen the way we think they did? Are we studying the wrong tactics and strtegies? the Roman do the Square Formation on that faithful day. =so it is a Two Flank Attack and Envelopment. --- rad
Is Jesus Really God From The Beginning
roman wargamer replied to roman wargamer's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Is Jesus Really God From The Beginning , article is really intented to be "part of" The History Of Christian Church ( Book ) The History Of Christian Church +++++++++++++++++++++ The Beginning = Is Jesus Really God From The Beginning The Church was Founded The Apostle Time 100 AD The Persecution 33 AD to 313 AD The Union of The Church and The State = 313 AD The Edict Of Tolerance The Council Of Nicea in 325 AD ( In the Time of Emperor Constantine, son of Constantius ) Jesus was made god. The Trinity Doctrine of Gods was made. The Romanized Church was officially name The Roman Catholic. 800 AD ====================================================================================== may i ask if this one is not history ? is this one not Roman History ? is just happen, it has the flavor of religion. because it is religion, i begin from the Holy Bible, and from the "biblical point of view." ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spurius = Now do you mean the differences that exist between the gospels, Mark vs Luke vs Matthew, on events and sayings? On the inevitable mistakes made by people after the fact? reply = i believe the Holy Bible do not have a single contradiction. why not give a specific qoute. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. i am pointing only that the Jewish have a monotheism religion. 2. that the Church of Christ founded by Jesus of Nazareth, was also a monotheism. 3. until 100 BCE, it is a monotheism. 4. it is only in the 300 BCE, that a clash of doctrinal belief are coming, that the concept of two gods slowly appears.The Father God, and the Son of God is also now god. 4. and the concept of "trinity god" also slowly emerged. it is the Roman who finally control the church. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks to Marcus Justinus and to VALERIAN , i already read part of your web, i conform to most views. -
Is Jesus Really God From The Beginning
roman wargamer replied to roman wargamer's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Harsh? I was in no way being harsh. That was, by my standards, a friendly warning to stay on topic. To Ursus, my apology, i did not mean that sentence for you, although it appears on the same paragrhap. "but reading things you did not like should not make you careless to use harsh words." i means it to be for the general reader, but specifically to Skarr. _______________________________________________________________________________ when i read "The Prince" in 1983, i was only 17 years old. in that book, he advise the Prince, after he get rein of the government. " to elimanate or kill all of his political and military opponent or threat, all at once and the same time. not by one by one for a continous time, but only once in a one time entrapment." at our modern time , it is now "genocide", an international war crime. in 1972 we have a martial law, it means i witness myself actual "war of attrition" of the rebel, between the Muslim indigenous and the government forces, friends suddenly become enemy in a day. where soldier died in a hundreds in a months, where rotten flesh can be smelled even in a distance. so i have a very different "point of view" of the "war". it make us poor, no peace, no opportunity. the threat of sudden and unprovoke murder is always there. and i read Machiavelli advise a "stealth murder of a group of people". i do not conform. But i understand his time and purpose. i still love the book. to me it is a "classical military treatise". _______________________________ erratum: bce should be written AD _______________________________ Primus Pilus say's the scam emails you get have nothing to do with this website. my reply is Yes. i even post a thread like that in the after lounge forum. what i mean...why punish a regular member... if other irregular people, write a bad worded comment's in our article with malicious intent, it is better if their post will be edited. thanks for the replies, -
Is Jesus Really God From The Beginning
roman wargamer replied to roman wargamer's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Skarr =All they can do is quote from books that anyone could have written...much of it lost in translation. ------------------ but why qoute to get your point. We're all dreamers and perhaps as Julius Caesar once said (quoting Shakespeare), we should "Leave him, he's a dreamer" ------------------- as far as i know, i never made my own words, it is all qouted from the Holy Bible. to give an impartial biblical work subject. 1. i am pointing only that the Jewish have a monotheism religion. 2. that the Church of Christ founded by Jesus of Nazareth, was also a monotheism. 3. until 100 BCE, it is a monotheism. 4. it is only in the 300 BCE, that a clash of doctrinal belief are coming, that the concept of two gods slowly appears.The Father God, and the Son of God is also now god. 4. and the concept of "trinity god" also slowly emerged. it is the Roman who finally control the church. 5. and only in the 800 BCE that the Roman Catholic officially declared, from the very organizational structure of the christian church. ____________________________________________________________________________________ to Ursus. i can verily handle those highly opinionated comment. it only show that my work article can spark imagination, but reading things you did not like should not make you careless to use harsh words. ____________________________________________________________________________________ To Spurius, Maybe it should be moved ...or maybe closed. ------------------ reply= why recommend that on my article, i am very civil on all of my post. it is not me who remarks the harsh words, why not recommend the harsh poter. ------------------ it doesn't seem to be evoking any substantive Roman history responses. reply= how can you very sure... no reply does not mean... it evoke no mind stimulation. it is posted last May 12,2005. we are now already July 15. means it is more than 45 days old. it have 444 readings and 18 inter-post replies. and suddenly you will recommend it to be closed. ________________________________________________________________________________ some members here that suddenly "come and go"... maybe are the same that send me scam letter, that i sometimes i report to the FBI and the White Collar Crime section. i normally received 1 scam email a week. and 1 virus a month. i been in the internet more than 5 years ago, but i only begin to get it since the Ms. Niagne incident. _________________________________________________________________________________ i am giving the "unrv. moderator" a free hand to edit my post. to show that i have a good intent , to the best of my belief. i can hold hard commentaries and opinion. rad adenir dulay -
Scipio Africanus is one of my most favorite General. a very good tactician and strategist, one of a kind. i believe he made those things you mention. Scipio Family Line in Punic War could be confusing.