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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Davus Parker

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Tiro (1/20)



  1. thank you very much, i definatly will endvor to finish reading it, but with an open mind thanks again Davus
  2. ave, i know this sounds really sad , but i think i can blame my obsession on "Rome: Total War." sad huh . good game though, played far to much of it during classes, sevearly cuting my chances of getting into the course i want to do at melbourne uni . so know i am working my behind off trying to catc up. Davus Parker
  3. greetings, i have just started reading gibbons, the decline and fall, am i wasting my time? i have heard that it is now outdated thankyou Davus Parker
  4. hi i am 17 and live in melbourne, australia, almost finished year 12 i have bben interested in roman hisory for years, when finished school i want to do classics and Archaeology at melbourne uni, if i get in i will hopefull have heaps of info to ad . thanks davus Parker
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