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  1. I am not sure but maybe in france in the north of paris abot 50 miles
  2. I am not sure but maybe in france in the north of paris
  3. The mask was found in the ground when. We did not find anything near it (nor did we try to search).
  4. no, it was in the ground and dug up while making a hole.
  5. No, there did not seem to be any paint. It was wet when the pictures were taken as we did clean it.
  6. Which site are the pictures on now?
  7. If you look closely on the sides, you will see small holes. Does that help? How old would that be?
  8. Hello, Any idea what this mask is? How old? What was it used for? Thank you, Thomas Sorry but I do not know how to attach the pictures.... so if you have an idea where to post them, let me know...
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