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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Well the problem is, the Romans in the early early days believed in animism and spirits and the like but then later on when they start to conquer you notice they adopt new gods which kinda makes me lose interest. I don't really like people who can just switch religous views so easily. I tend to respect people more who keep with ther religion even if times get rough.
  2. I'd say history, people one and military biz. I am very interested in the famous people of the era, Caesar, Scipio etc. and the quotes they have left us. One thing that i dont like about the Romans tho is the religous side, it just seems done b4, a blatant rip of Greek gods etc.
  3. Yeah, I am a very inpatient guy so it seems like I choose all the wrong hobbies for myself lol
  4. I am kinda bored of the Arthur story, heard too many versions. I liked Colleen McCullough's books (or atleast the ones I read). Haven't read many other fiction history books more of a facts person so I like Adrian Goldsworthy for my dose of Roan reading.
  5. Cool. How long this site been around? Seems like youve got an active forum which is still in my dreams and not yet a reality
  6. Lol thanks, although now I wonder if it was such a good idea to have such a broad range of history but too late to head back Anyway, youve got a very nice site here as well, and it looks like you have a pretty cool map there though I cant fork up the change to see it
  7. Hey guys! I am the owner of a relatively new history site so I am obviously very interested in history and especially Roman and Greek history. Good to see some familiar faces this is Scipio from the RV forums btw. Anyway, good to see ya guys, Ill get to reading your library of Roman history soon
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