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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Zurawski

  1. Does anyone know how the Romans and other nations of ancient times knew the shape of the land? The romans had a very accurate idea of italys shape and i dont know how they worked it out. I've heard of some kind of Shadow Technique or something, how does that work? Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Zurawski.
  2. You could be right i guess i have just always assumed that they were numidians.
  3. I always thought they were just Numidians after the effects of time and trade?
  4. Rome: Total War is a p.c game which has been around for nearly a year now. Its probably the best thing to use if you want to see how romans fought in battle and using it to try to simulate real battles can help to understand which way the battle was really fought. Factions in the game include The house of Julii, The house of Scipii, The house of Brutii. They are the 3 Playable Roman Factions. There is also S.P.Q.R who own the city of Rome at the start of the main campaign game. the idea is to win battles and conquer Gaul with the house of Julii and gain popularity with the masses and the senate.When you have a high enough reputation you may turn your armies towards The capital and take the Empire for yourself. Then perhaps turn your attention to those Carthaginians and finish off the Punic wars which the house of Scipii would have started. Or sail in your boats and finish off the macedonians and the remaining Greek states and head towards the Rich lands of the seleucids. Factions which also can be played after completeing the Roman campaign are The Gauls, Germania, Carthage, The Seleucid Empire, Egypt (Ptolmaic) and The Greek cities. The game starts at around 270 B.C and ends after you have conquered a certain amount of 'The Known World' or 45 A.D. It also Includes the Marius reforms and your ability to recruit Hastati, Principes,Triarii and Equites is replaced by Praetorian Cohorts, Legionary Cohorts, Urban Cohorts, Praetorian Cavalry, Legionary Cavalry, Roman Cavalry, Archer Auxilia and Legionary First Cohort. The Expansion for Rtw, Barbarian Invasion, start at around 350 A.D and lets you take control of Goths, Sarmations, Huns and both Eastern and Western Empires. The Western Empire is crumbling as the campaign starts so you can try to ressurect it and build up the legions or take part in its destruction as the Hun Horde. Either way its very accurate and gives great simulations of how things were at the time and can also make you realise why some generals may have made the descisions they made. Im a member of the clan Legio VI Victrix (named after the legion which i see is discussed in other topics in this forum) who play multiplayer on the game against other clans. Our forum can be accessed from our newly made Website www.vivictrix.net.
  5. Caesar made sure that his men knew if he died they all died. It was part of their training. They either Stood and fought Germans, Gauls, Scots anything or turned and faced their general. There was a famous battle, of which forget the name, where Caesars army was under arrow fire and being pushed back by some heavy warriors. They began to rout and run for there lives. Caesar then got off his horse, held up his shield and ran to the front of the Roman line. he walked up and down the line shouting 'If i die, you all die.' The roman Soldiers quickly ran around him and got back into position. Anyone know what battle that was. I have heard of it a few times but as i say i forget the name.
  6. I think the true Roman empire fell when when the city was sacked by the Visigoths. If there was any original pure romans left in the world at that time they were killed on that day. Though the eastern empire stayed around I dont think it was really roman because if it was it would have defended it city surely? I think After that day the word 'Rome' is used in the same way as people use 'Caesar'. Holy 'Roman' Empire, 'Kaiser' Wilhelm. Just People and Empires Crediting themselves to be as great as Ancient people and Empires before them. In my Opinion. P.s This is my first post on this forum and i would just like to say that the information and Discussions on this forum are excellent. Welld done.
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