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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Klingan

  1. Sorry for being unclear, I was referring to the main scene. & Well, I believe it's a mythological scene as it looks like the last rider has wings. It could be a stylized shield as well though? Scythians sounds like a good guess otherwise.
  2. I happened in the embarrassing situation that I posted this picture on my blog (which is still being updated daily) without knowing the mythological background on the motif. I therefore wonder if anyone here has a theory? Thanks!
  3. I can see what I have, took quite a deal of shots of it last time I was there.
  4. I never looked into your 2009 meeting but I assumed that it would go on as planned. I have to get over to join you guys one day. Anyway Scandinavian meeting anyone?
  5. Nice! Edit: it's going to take forever to look 'em up in Latin though
  6. Oh no It is indeed in Italy though.
  7. Should I really give you hints already?
  8. I'll be there now and then for a while if anyone else shows up.
  9. I have once proposed that an URNV chat should be created but it was decided that there was no need for one. I would still like try it out though.
  10. Thanks for explaining that, I've been wondering about exactly what happened when the users online suddenly dropped from 2000 to 15
  11. We agree, and I also find the evidence dubious at best; I was only trying to explain why the unnamed author of the article posted above might have quoted the "300 years" lapse. Thanks for the explanation then Sylla It's appreciated, even as I am aware of the details in this case! I was simply trying to highlight the not so correct statement of the writer, but had no time to back it up. My position in the question is more or less the same as Ursus.
  12. And I believe that the user counting system has been changed since then (which I find kinda sad).
  13. My spontaneous reaction to your clue was Alexandria (Popilius and the circle in the sand) but that should have been 168 BC?
  14. Good thing that they got caught! I must wonder though, who wrote the article? I don't know much about the Mithras cult, not nearly as much as I would like too but: Oh, did they? Was someone influenced by the church when writing this? And what about the ritual slaughter of bulls?
  15. Damn good, I must say!
  16. I don't really want to argue against here, your main point is valid, but I believe that glory actually is an investment. A proud and happy people with confidence is an investment. Not saying that there ain't cheaper ways to achieve that Anyway I've always been for the idea of putting a base on the moon (or Mars for that sake), at least on a theoretical level since I can't ignore the costs.
  17. We need a new picture (even as I have very little time on my hand at the moment).
  18. Klingan


    Tsss... I want to create that mess with them
  19. I have never had any need to find a genuinely good version of Plutarch, yet, but a general recommendation that I always follow is to use many different translations. This will enable you too see were they differ and where you need to take a closer look at the passages. (This method is of course not recommended if you're reading it cover to cover.)
  20. The evidence for the living dead is striking - I wonder why this species isn't seen in our cities today? This is the best thing I've seen in the onion since they reported that Zeus fund it difficult to, in the shape of a bull, win over women to himself.
  21. At the exhibition "Luxus & Dekadenz" which was in December 2007 in Bremen, Germany they also showed a murmillo helmet but one of the type without decoration, together with a pair of thraex/hoplomachus greaves and the gladiator daggers used by retiarii or hoplomachi as secondary weapons. It's really nice to see these things you know from pictures in books in real. So far I didn't make it to the National Museum in Naples though I had been twice on a day trip to Pompeii. Those pictures from that murmillo helmet made be drool - BTW the little text beneath the first photo was a good practise for my Italian. I've got quite a few pictures from the national museum in Naples if you're interested as I've visited it twice this year. Anyway on the topic of pieces leaving Italy and exhibitions - H
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