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Everything posted by Klingan

  1. Archaeology Years from now, when we look back on 2011, the year will almost certainly be defined by political and economic upheaval. At the same time that Western nations were shaken by a global economic slump, people in the Middle East and North Africa forcefully removed heads of state who had been in power for decades.
  2. I agree, that would be nice. Viggen can perhaps say something on the matter?
  3. The problem with many ancient statues is that they are commonly identified through Type, i.e. we have another statue (copy) looking just the same and securely identified in one way or the other. The Berliner Doryphoros by Polykleitos is a good example, it would have been utterly unidentifiable without the numerous other copies that exist.
  4. Well, that's not too bad. I mean imagine if the would use lead to sweeten the wine, or rotten fish to spice up their food. That would be URK! Oh wait... They did that too.
  5. Wow, that is amazing. But, hey, why not, make a tiny hole, get a small amount of wine and analyze it. Who knows what it could tell us?
  6. As long as he hold them in front of himself, you mean!
  7. 'Culullam'? Is that a bit rude? Drinking vessel, originally used for sacrifices? Does it have another, to me unknown, meaning?
  8. Yes, this has been out for quite some time.
  9. Ops, a little bit too late but: Grattis p
  10. I don't think history supports that viewpoint - Spaniards seem to have clung to Roman lifestyles and traditions longer than most, once their initial reluctance was overcome in the late 3rd C. Well, I would normally consider Spain one of the less urbanized and "civilized" (may the Gods of scholarly works forgive me for that term) pre-Roman areas of the Empire. This is the point I would like to empathize rather than how romanized they were in later times.
  11. I would normally argue, on the contrary, that earlier urbanized (and civilized) societies seems to have been harder to Romanize than the less developed areas of the empire. It is, of course, possible that the mix between local, barbarian, culture and less sophisticated urban societeies in Spain presented a good breading ground for it. Anyway, I would love to hear more of your thoughts on the topic.
  12. " Romersk paradmask mitt i redaktionens Hellvi! Det har varit en of
  13. "But here's an interesting legal conundrum. The guy who handed in the mask says that he was present when it was found. He is thus an admitted accessory to heritage crime. It was a long time ago, maybe he was a child at the time, maybe the period for prosecution has expired." It most certainly have; it's not a long time ago that we changed the law that made murder cases impossible after more than 25 (or was it 20?) years.
  14. Sorry to say it University of Rennes, but they teach us that during our first year or so in Lund. Thanks for the link thou Ursus, always appreciated!
  15. Juppiter, Iuppiter, Jupiter and Iupiter all show up in my dictionary.
  16. http://video.zeit.de/video/1235262726001 "near at hand Aetna thunders with terrifying crashes, and now hurls forth to the sky a black cloud, smoking with pitch-black eddy and glowing ashes, and uplifts balls of flame and licks the stars
  17. I have looked through my quite extensive picture archive (including 131 photos of the column of Trajan) and have, with very appreciated help from a friend in the state who also is completely nuts when it comes to pictures, found two more eagles at the monument. Both of them look exactly like the one Melvadius posted and it is quite clear that they appear in official military scenes - i.e. you won't find them in a normal war monument unless the emperor is personally present in an important scene as a sacrifice, departure or surrender.
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