Hey, you're all American here. But... communism doesn't exist in your country. You don't know what you're talking about...have you ever had the choice to vote for a communist party? have you ever listen to what they wanted to do for people? Have you ever met communist politics in the square? I guess you haven't.
But I've done, and I am deeply communist. Without our communist granparents, that fought and died for liberty, my country wouldn't be what it is. We celebrate their memory every year. I know Russians did terrible things, but I also know what Fascists did. I saw the grave of my mother's grandfather - killed in a horrible way because he wanted to say what he though, and I heard my grandparents tell about the war.
Fascism is a big hole of shame in the history of Italy and sometimes I'm ashamed to be Italian thinking about that, do you know? But then, I remember what those people did, and they were communists.
You talk about "Capitalism Democracy". Honestly, you should shut up. You shouldn't talk of democracy, not after your dirty wars and games. Everyone knows what you did, and you do.