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  1. "Vincere" means "to win" ^^ "wolf" in Latin is LUPUS.
  2. I resolve to start studying seriously roman history at school and stop joking so much on my teacher because he's in love with Octavian ^ ^
  3. Mine are Angus Young from AC/DC, Steve Harris from Iron Maiden ;-)
  4. The idea seems very nice, I'll join it. But I haven't been studying latin for a long time... only two years.
  5. Salve, verum est quod dicisti, Quinte, sed in schola - Italiae incolo - non loquemur linguam latinam. studemus id scriptam. Deinde, loqui id difficile est mihi. ego, dico in lingua antiqua romana
  6. MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!! Buon Natale! I'm sorry for my long absence by I had to study a lot at school, this term has been terrible.. but now I'm on holiday and I'm very happy to be back here!
  7. loqui linguam latinam difficillimus est. quia facere id?
  8. hihi "adeste fideles laeti et triumphantes...venite, venite, adoremus" ? I had never seen it in this way but now... well, scary!
  9. In Italian, Adriano / Adriana, Marco, Gaia, Valerio / Valeria ...and many others that I don't remember now ^ ^
  10. Would you do mine (female)? nriieceacpvraig
  11. I haven't understood what I should do to have my hidden roman name...
  12. thier language is very interesting. It disappeared, but some words survived in Latin and Italian...
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