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Rameses the Great

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Everything posted by Rameses the Great

  1. You should avoid those sites. Often these people are very opinionated and are after an agenda. As an aside, whenever you find Afrocentrism just make sure you don't infiltrate your mind with that garbage. An exerpt from DC's post. Afrocentrism is a pseudohistorical political movement that erroneously claims that African-Americans should trace their roots back to ancient Egypt because it was dominated by a race of black Africans. Some of Afrocentrism's other claims are: the ancient Greeks stole their main cultural achievements from black Egyptians; Jesus, Socrates and Cleopatra, among others, were black; and Jews created the slave trade of black Africans.
  2. Will do! Your lucky tradition is on your city's side. Hold up a sign that says, 'FIRE MCMILLAN' then we'll know. Anyways, have fun. Get in all the beers before the Lions get shallacked. :whip:
  3. Conspiracy theory? Nectanebo II (ruled 360 - 343 BC), also known by the name Nakhthoreb, was the third and last king of the Thirtieth dynasty of Egypt and also the last native Egyptian ruler of the country. Black siltstone obelisk of King Nectanebo II. According to the vertical inscriptions he set up this obelisk at the doorway of the sanctuary of Thoth, the Twice-Great, Lord of Hermopolis. Nowadays it is placed in the British Museum, London. Nectanebo was placed on the Egyptian throne by Spartan king Agesilaus II, who helped him overthrow Teos and fight off a rival pretender. After a reign of 17 years, he was defeated by the Persian king Artaxerxes III, and fled first to Memphis and then into Upper Egypt, and finally into exile in Nubia where he vanishes from history. With Nectanebo's flight all organized resistance to the Persians collapsed, and Egypt once again was reduced to a satrapy of the Persian Empire. There is an apocryphal tale, appearing in the pseudo-historical Alexander Romance, which details another end for the last true Pharaoh of Egypt. Soon after Alexander the Great's confirmation of godhood was confirmed by the Oracle of Zeus Ammon, a rumor was begun that Nectanebo II did not travel to Nubia but instead to the court of Philip II of Macedon in the guise of an Egyptian magician. He coupled with Phillip's wife Olympias and from his issue came Alexander. This myth would hold strong appeal for Egyptians who desired continuity and harbored a strong dislike for foreign rule. Wikipedia It makes sense, but could it be an undiscovered myth?
  4. That's the same as asking did Moses exist, or does the bible exist. Of course they do. No Christian wrote about Jesus only Jews and Romans did. So I don't know where the conspiracy theory is, unless someone here wants to explain it to me? Or argue with my History book.
  5. Finally, thank you for the comment Caesar CXXXVII. I agree he makes several interesting points with all that encompassed Rome and its surroundings. The thing that amazes me is how he can capture the attitude of all of Italy and its correlation to Rome. I do agree he needs more on the Punic Wars, as I find these the most interesting.
  6. If we have it in Pittsburgh I am interested since I am from there. It is cenrtrally located even if you live somewhere in Michigan it's about a 4 hour drive maybe less. Some live in Chicago so that is a bit of a far reach. I know I will probably screw myself for saying this, but have you guys considered Toledo?
  7. I would just like to ask where in history does it say that Jesus is a myth, and did the Jews not mention him in written archeological evidence?
  8. In the early stages of Rome, many saw Greek civilization as highly advanced and sophisticated. During the early era of Rome, even the smallest of the Greek provinces were more impressive in sophistication and wealth then Rome itself. Maybe, I remember some Europeans referring to Greece as, 'the dogs of Europe.' So beeing a Turk would probably be the worst thing possible, so it is believable. Although the Greeks won the UEFA and the baskeball championship in Europe so I don't know how much validation there is to them beeing 'the dogs of Europe.'
  9. Who does not give thanks for the few is a liar if he says he thanks for the many. Who does not give thanks for a penny cannot give thanks for a thousand pennies. --St. Isaac the Syrian
  10. It would be logical to build the hanging gardens of Babylon so the motivation was there. Along the Fertile Cresent, 2,000 years ago it used to be like a tropical area not like today. Aside from the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq is probably the warmest place in the Middle East not beeing next to the Mediterranian. The questions I would ask are, did they build it along the banks of the Euphrates or Tigris? For that matter there is resounding evidence it may bave been made in Assyria.
  11. No one should forget the Nazi's strength. Had it not been for them beeing severely outnumbered and confined in the center of Europe they could have been the victors. For a nation that practically took on all the world powers and fought to the bitter end, killing a lot of their enemies along the way is amazing. The sense of nationalism and organization they were able to instill in their army and nation was more than just impressive. The Soviets were completely the opposite. Depriving a lot of the freedom and taking away the church from them did demoralize a lot of them. Had it not been for the will of the Russians to defened their homeland, rather than their sub par organization and nationalism they would not have held out at Stalingrad. The Nazi Regime was more impressive in my opinion. I saw the method of the Soviets, sorry MPC, rather pathetic. In terms of productivity and execution the Soviets were just a mass of people throwing themselves in a fray of killing until the Nazis exhausted their troops and weaponry. I do not give the credit to the Soviets at all rather than the Russian mentality. As the saying goes, 'will beats skill.'
  12. The USSR was far more superior than any nation in its time. I hope you guys realize fighting a war in Russia and expecting to win is nearly impossible; even if you decide to be agressive and even put an H bomb on them.
  13. I'm a Copt born in Toronto who now lives in Pittsburgh. Sorry for getting completely off topic in this thread.
  14. Copt by roots Canadian by branches.
  15. Ha! The church would excommunicate me if I had a belly dancing girlfriend. I'll come to the party with a puppet you know, 'say hello to my little friend.'
  16. Fascinating to say the least. Thanks for the link P. Clodius.
  17. It's as Colin Mockery said to the Hindu man, 'We don't need the Swiss to come in here and tell us how to run our country.' Althought I AM CANADIAN.
  18. You may mess with me but Pertinax, now this man will put you in a sticky wicket. Next time I go to the Big Apple I'll watch my back. :tank:
  19. Was the beginning of the chariot used by Hittites or Assyrians? I'm starting to think the Hyksos used them first, anyone know?
  20. I won't buy Chelsea getting by Manchester United. As far as I know there is really only one team that has been so dominant throught the years and that's Man U. Liverpool plays Chelsea well, a classic rivalry, I would not be shocked if they pull a win off. As always: Lets Go Arsenal!
  21. They forced them at times to bow to the emperor and worship the same Gods as he did. A lot of Christian martyrs in provinces outside of Rome even joined the Roman army as a sign of loyalty.
  22. He sounds like that site I had the misfortune of coming across. He seems like the kind of guy who people, unless they agree, will not get along with. As long as one is not gullable, he will not phase anyone.
  23. If people do not want to say the pledge because they do not believe in God or do not support America that is fine IMO, but do not take away the right of other people to say it. That makes them seem ignorant and just going after an agenda. In other words sit quietly, and let others say the pledge if the wish to do so. The rest of the people who decide to do so let them. If these guys say that this 'offends' them because they dont like it and try to ban it then I say this, Vomit, Rinse, Repeat.
  24. Happy Birthday Pertinax! Relax and have a cold one, you deserve one. :beer: Any plans for the birthday guy?
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