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Rameses the Great

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Everything posted by Rameses the Great

  1. What's your point? If you must know, not many Copts know where they came from. All we know is that we are Egyptians. Quite frankly its none of your business. So they force Muslims to read the bible? I don't get your point here, this is just something standard. If you find it insensitive, then I find it insulting that you don't understand the history of the Middle East and find it insensitive for Muslims. This was a place for Christians as FVC pointed out. I don't think denying the religion of the native born Christians in the Middle East is apropriate. Again, absolutely not! Have you never read tflex or my posts? When Christianity spread throught the Middle East no one was forced, only by Romans in the late centuries. Arabs did kill non Christians. The choices were, 1. Pay heavy and unreasonable taxes, 2. Leave the land or be killed, 3. Be converted or killed. If you see this as tolerance well then I advise you to take up a book. The Islamic caliphate spread from Southern France to the Hindu Kush making the people there convert to the primary religion of Islam. This Islamic propaganda of them being a tolerant religion is far from the truth. If people saw the atrocities of what happened in Egypt, the Middle East, and India I think you and many others would change their views. They destroyed the temple of Solomon and many churches. Not tolerance spittle ignorance.
  2. You CLEARLY missed the entire point of my post. Most Chrtistians ARE underfire and many Muslims ARE the root cause of it. The region with the MOST instability and the MOST hostility is from the Middle East impacting Christians and Jews. Yes, and they also waged a halal on the Patriarchate of Alexandria. That means a right to kill. Tell me, how come they are not quick to punish Muslims who attack churches... Yes, if I must repeat myself it is a Western company therefore there were bibles there. My family were Middle East Christians.
  3. Super is short for Superintendant who takes care of the apartment comlex.
  4. In many Middle East countries Christians are just barely tolerate and treated as second class citizens. Everyday in Egypt Muslim militants attack Egypt, and the government reamains quiet.Free Christians? Muslims have the right to feel 'offended,' while Copts are threatened and killed. Just to get a job as a Christian the standards are very high. My mom who worked at the Marriot was not allowed to work there anymore because there were only 4% of Christians allowed. We're talking about a Western hotel that has Bibles in each room! You think this just happens in the Middle East? Muslims torchered Sikhs in Northern India in many dispicable ways. They smashed Hindu and Budhists temples. They kill Christian children going to school in Indonesia. Shariah law is now beein imposed on a half Christian nation in Nigeria. Churches are being burned in Albania and Bosnia. Israel defeated the Arab states in 4 count them 4 wars. In which one was an illadvised attack by Syria and Egypt during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Now the Muslims have resorted to terror tactics kidnapping Israelis and chopping off heads. You say the Christian population in the Middle East is not in danger? Consider this, when the Shah was overthrown in Iran the Christians were treated officially as second class citizens. Now there are decrees restricting church worship, the closing of churches, and the confiscation of the Bible and forbidden Christian literature. If the Muslim Brotherhood take over will the Christians in Egypt be safe? If there are any indication from the past the answer is no. Like Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, and maybe one day the Christian nation of Lebanon, they are most likely no longer safe. So why don't you return the Hagia Sophia, the Temple of Solomon, and many Budhists and Hindu temples? Ask that question and you'll realise a certain party just got quieter.
  5. Sure my good fellow! While we send :mummy: & to the other side of the moon, his Greekship :notworthy: and the Perimaxus, (Pertimax) Que? are ready for another edeavor of competitive banter. The English of the person who shall not be mentioned, is messing with grammer, like :mummy: and . I hereby declare the language of English to be used in the proper manner. He who shall escape this Roman's grasp shall be :hang: .
  6. Ok, I suggest you never go to EgyptSearch, where there is a hoard of jackdonkeys, (that must be black like Ancient Egyptians!) Anyways Lost Warrior the first rule of money is...never spend yours!
  7. The Etruscans founded Rome, but slowly the Etruscan monarchy was thrown off and then Rome became its own power.
  8. Yeah, and Canada. The only people who shop on Boxing Day are crazy. Nope.
  9. I would be a glass blower, because I'm full of hot air...
  10. By no means did the Ottomans control the sea at any time against the European powers.
  11. Oriental warfare to me is a joke. If you see many oriental battles they ususally revolve around manpower and maneouvers. When they get on the battlefield its like seeing robots, no srtategy, no flanking tactics, and no way to scout the enemy. Titus here is the thread you are looking for.Medeival vs Rome.
  12. Of course not. More along the lines of Persian, Assyrian, Armenian, Hittites, etc. Not that oriental Gaius Octavius.
  13. They were attacked by Turks but your right Prussians, Poles, Swiss, and French helped them although I don't know if Swedes did because they were so far away. Regarding the Austrians, they did help A LOT. They were able to keep the Ottoman army 200,000 at bay with only 11,000 until the relief army came. If the Poles had not come in time of course Vienna was going to fall. Lets not forget the denizens of Vienna who were too stuborn to allow Islam into their homes.
  14. Undoubtedly the Norse were the first Europeans in North America. They made ventures into the Canadian Coasts as Leif Eriksson founded Vinland, better known today as Newfoundland. There have been archeological evidence showing earthern houses and Nordic tools in Newfoundland. Reasons why they left may have been from native Americans, but I find it hard to believe they left from weak tribes since they had a reputation for being so powerful.
  15. No matter what you say, it's all about the East Coast baby! :pimp:
  16. He, he Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!
  17. Firstly, I'm sorry that this has dragged on WotWotius. I'm sorry. Regardless, when you imply belly dancers you claim the Middle East mainly Arab. Does not matter if you said the word, the very mear image suggests Arab culture period...
  18. Nah, its warm here. In the Denver area, where Moonlapse lives, they're getting 2 feet. They're the ones getting the winter wonder land stuff.Massive snowstorm shuts down Colorado
  19. I hate music, but probably the classic You're Still the One...
  20. Can this Socialist be happy now that he is beeing dumped by 2 feet of snow?
  21. How many times must I say this, I am not Arab. I know what you guys mean though, but I stuff my face with Egyptian delicacies. (Food) I find that hard to believe, since Crazy Calvin was in your neighborhood and didn't 'stop by' and get 'trigger happy.'
  22. Forget Caligula beeing a mind job, he was a nut job! I don't think Nero was evil, just oblivious and egocentric which can be very dangerous if the emperor of Rome. Putting his horse in the Senate you just can't beat that!
  23. Ya, but don't they usually live in a lamp...in Saudi Arabia.
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