In many Middle East countries Christians are just barely tolerate and treated as second class citizens. Everyday in Egypt Muslim militants attack Egypt, and the government reamains quiet.Free Christians? Muslims have the right to feel 'offended,' while Copts are threatened and killed. Just to get a job as a Christian the standards are very high. My mom who worked at the Marriot was not allowed to work there anymore because there were only 4% of Christians allowed. We're talking about a Western hotel that has Bibles in each room! You think this just happens in the Middle East?
Muslims torchered Sikhs in Northern India in many dispicable ways. They smashed Hindu and Budhists temples. They kill Christian children going to school in Indonesia. Shariah law is now beein imposed on a half Christian nation in Nigeria. Churches are being burned in Albania and Bosnia.
Israel defeated the Arab states in 4 count them 4 wars. In which one was an illadvised attack by Syria and Egypt during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Now the Muslims have resorted to terror tactics kidnapping Israelis and chopping off heads.
You say the Christian population in the Middle East is not in danger? Consider this, when the Shah was overthrown in Iran the Christians were treated officially as second class citizens. Now there are decrees restricting church worship, the closing of churches, and the confiscation of the Bible and forbidden Christian literature. If the Muslim Brotherhood take over will the Christians in Egypt be safe? If there are any indication from the past the answer is no. Like Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, and maybe one day the Christian nation of Lebanon, they are most likely no longer safe.
So why don't you return the Hagia Sophia, the Temple of Solomon, and many Budhists and Hindu temples? Ask that question and you'll realise a certain party just got quieter.