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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. Reading a national geographic, they found a roman dump; essentially what we do- a big hole in the ground.
  2. I drove around today with my window down!
  3. I'll say it again- AWESOME MOVIE.
  4. I don't think the Jewish Zealots, assuming you mean the Sacarii, had a goal of 'wiping out Rome'. They killed Romans and Jews alike.
  5. I look at the bottom of the forums, and it says it is the birthday of none other than our very own Viggin! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :drunk: :punk:
  6. *Sigh* Ah! AHHHH! Read my first comment up above. I said it first! I did! AND NOBODY KNOWS! I really have to do something to get people's attention...
  7. Hah! Violate my 10th amendment rights! [insert rant here] Is this the next 18th Amendment?
  8. Wow. I just got home from that movie. It is amazing. It does not try to be historically accurate. It is entertaining, and I loved it. Even my girl liked it. However, don't bring your kiddies to it- it is just that R...
  9. No but it helps to have the population of your country for the war as well and thats what the Maine sinking did, turned the American people against Spain. Thank you for reiterating what I've said twice.
  10. Hahah at first I thought this story was borrowing prose from "The Raven." However it is quite original, beautiful piece of writing... but lol methinks I gets what he speeeeks of!
  11. The Roman method called cudgeling, beating the criminal with clubs until he dies. Ouch.
  12. ...You are right, the south didn't speak for the whole U.S., hence we never annexed it. They still wanted it, but democracy prevented it. If you want to argue, plz don't agree with me. ...And the sinking of a ship doesn't spark interest in a land mass' natural rescources and trading advantages. ---- War of 1812 The burning of the capital made citizens very angry and actually drove many to join the military to fight the brits off. Perhaps a seemingly sound move works against one?
  13. Oh I know, I was going off the whole "forgotton wars" theme. Spain declared war first... but which country's citizens clamoured for war?! Spain certainly didn't want war with us! Besides, the United States had been casting an eye on cuba even before slavery was abolished. Southern slave expansionists wanted to annex Cuba to make it a slave state. The only thing stopping us from taking after the Spanish American war was that we didn't want to contradict our Monroe Doctrine. The bottom line is that things are far more complicated under the paperwork! :usaflag:
  14. Let's not forget the Spanish-American War; protecting American imperialism! Backing the Monroe Doctrine! We get Phillipines! We get Puerto Rico! Teddy is a hero! (Eventually) Japanese + Philipines = ... Ect. ect. ect. Yeah.
  15. I believe they had muster fields where some form of basic training took place. They probably didn't compare to Roman training, though. Remember, these people hunted to survive, so the they got "practice" almost every day.
  16. I am getting this fleeting sense I am being ignored. Just because dear Gaius :wheelchair: is older, doesn't mean he gets all the attention! *sigh* Aos, Cos.
  17. I'll toast to that! :drunk: I joined the 22nd, very shortly after dear Gaius :wheelchair:, so by my authority I dictate that blessed day a nat'l holiday as well! I'll take gas cards. Aos, Cos.
  18. There is something about this particular picture that evokes undescribable emotion within me. The picture has an aire of "gloriousness" per say; perhaps a look of hope- I do not know! What is he looking out at? Is it the horizon? The horizon to him must have no limits, he is there to take it! Glory and adventure are off on that horizon! The trees in the background evoke some sort of relaxing feeling in the background, for the place he must be in is beautiful. The feather, the shadow over the eyes, the black and white monochrome effect- everything about this picture is amazing. I have no clue why. Perhaps I can relate my life and other events to come with this picture, in my own way.
  19. G.O. :wheelchair: Cos. Preparing for 'World Domination Practice'. I want to give Julius Ratus the honor of leading in my first cohort! So far all I've seen for resistance is some loin-cloth-clad chumps carrying spears! AoS, Cos.
  20. I'll start by taking that desert they call Egypt. I hear they have good beer there.
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