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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. Hmm. We get dust devils here, but usually in parking lots and the items it swirls is garbage.
  2. Can you change the Icons to something more appropriate? when i add a Bookmark to the toolbar the Icon is a Firefox badge.I tried to change the Icon in the Properties but there's only another two Firefox badges to choose from,do you know how i can change these Icons? Thanks.L Weird. Whenever I place a bookmark and use it, the bookmark attains it's own badge. UNRV has a little shield. I don't think there is a way to change it.
  3. "I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself."
  4. Ahh, I didn't know there were straps on both front and back. It all is so clear now. Many thanks.
  5. Firefox. IE started crappin' out after a while and wasn't uploading pics and became really slow. Now I love FF, especially the tabs, and the fact I can put my bookmarks on the toolbar.
  6. Getting hyped on caffein is fun.
  7. I watched the documentary on the Legions in Trajan's Dacian Wars again and noticed the Lorica Segmentata was put on like a jacket, by one man- the ties in the front. I wouldn't think the History Channel would get that wrong... I swear... he put it on like a jacket! For the sake of argument, even if the straps are in front, no screaming barbarian can take it off unless you lose your scutum, but if you lose that you're screwed anyways. So now what...I believe guys who do the re-enacting thing all the time... but wonder if the history channel is right... Now that Pertinax is back, we need to settle this. What say you sir?
  8. Uh... those are weeds. Weeds with a use. Hm... I must know more.
  9. Remember, your only real friend in life is google!
  10. I'm sure they do, but tornadoes really don't make international television... Ahh, us Americans are so ignorant. Dear Europeans, do you guys have tornadoes?
  11. Air bubbles heat up, air expands, block fractures, building tumbles. Fires were one of the most feared disasters in the ancient world because they were so destructive and happened a lot more frequently than any other. What about tornadoes? I have never heard any ancient accounts of tornadoes! (Way to change the topic Antiochus...)
  12. I hope he gets back soon... I still didn't finish my argument with him about lorica segmentata straps in the front!
  13. I like it. I like 'wierd' people.
  14. Aww man, that's really cool. It brings everything up just like a google page but it's all unrv stuff! Neato!
  15. The fact that there are a lot less rich people than there are poor. I believe you though. However, by the time of Augustus, the legions were clearly defined and the old republican legion caste system gone. I believe the cavalry of the imperial legion were mainly auxilia or even ala by that time.
  16. Wow, that explains a lot! Just let him know he's doing an excellent job!
  17. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearc...75013&itm=3 Book on the legion that destroyed the rebellion, if you want to investigate for yourself. I'm going to go buy it.
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