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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. I think it's not fair to the letter 'k' that 'c' makes more sounds. I propose that we make 'c' and 'k' interchangable. Cing Kharles! Kceese is not cnoledgable. Gaius can be a krancy cook if the Yancees lose. See? All better.
  2. Cherry Poptarts are GOD. Whatever Gaius responds to this with, don't listen to him.
  3. I got my eye on him... he's still cranky over my Brookenhausen vote... Anyways, I plan on eating a lot of ice cream. Yum. @Wotwotius: The removal should be easier than most because the roots haven't fully grown yet. They still gotta chop my mouth up though...
  4. You are a great photographer. Nice personal pic, it's very artistic. Russia is a cool place. I'm going to learn Russian in college and travel there one day.
  5. Sry. Not Favre. I could see everything clearly. Streetlights are godsends.
  6. Hehe. Viggen's new advertising scheme! I have an idea that would make it even better...
  7. I finished watching a very good episode of Band of Brothers (Bastogne) when I saw lights flashing on the wall behind the tv. The cops had pulled someone over in front of my house. My window is about 30 feet or less from the road, and it was very quiet that night; being 1:30 in the morning probably contibuted considerably. The cop walks up to the man and asks him, "Did you know your left-rear brakelight is out?" The man agreed and offered some explaination I couldn't hear. Then the cop ask the man, "May I see your driver's license?" The man gave the copper his license and the cop replied, "Your license is suspended/revoked." The guy said yes and mumbled/slurred something. "How many beers have you had tonight sir?" "Just one after work." (Of course, just one!) "I didn't pull you over for that, however I did notice back on (?nd Ave) that you swerved over the centerline." The cop went back to his car to bring up some info on the guy, and a second officer arrived. They had the guy perform a field sobriety test, which he did quite well, with the exception of counting steps. Afterwards they did a breathalyzer. "Sir, Wisconsin State Law requires that you must be below .08 percent, which you are clearly above right now." The drunk shook his head in sad recognition of the handcuffs. "Just so you officers know I am not white trash. I don't do drugs, I'm not white trashhhh...slur." "Sir you do know you weren't supposed to be driving without a license." "But I needed to get home from work!" "You should have called a friend or family member." "Uhhh..............I'm not white trash....." He was put in the back of the first police car. The cops went over to the man's vehicle and immediately the second officer said, "Those are illegal tires!" They opened up the car and the second officer, who seemed to do his job really well, exclaimed, "I smell marijuana!" The other officer was suprised and replied, "You can smell that?!" "It's definitely marijuana." The first officer checked under the passenger seat and glove compartment, then jogged back to the police car and asked the guy if he had done any drugs. Of course the guy said no. Before the cops left they took a look at the license plate. The second officer, who must be a damn fine cop, noted that the man had placed a different expiration sticker over his well-overdue sticker. "This man is a criminal from Green Bay and has been getting away with an expired license for too long. See, these stickers are made not to come off," the second officer said to the first. The cops left around 1:50ish, and with no family/friends of the criminal in the area, the car was left there. No, I didn't go out to see if I could find the drugs... > Turns out the guy came from a bar in Green Bay, and happened to be pulled over on the side road of desolation where my house is. All in all it was very fun to watch. It was even more fun that the time they pulled over a couple and pulled 3 cases of beer out of their car. I love my house.
  8. Interestingly enough I found this picture that look just like the Foundry models...
  9. Remember, I compiled the "List 'o Links" for everyone's benefit. I hope it helps now.
  10. Well... sodium in water is fun... but it doesn't beat thermite! (I'll take pictures) I'm taking AP Euro as a senior next year. I <3 hands on science, it's just hard to get access to materials... so I improvise...
  11. Chemistry will be fun this year... Iron Oxide + Aluminum + Exothermic Ignition = Fun
  12. You gotta love kitties with katanas. :wub:
  13. Wear a red hat or something. Then I'll know it's you.
  14. Looks good. Social issues are harder to work with than institutions imo. Perhaps we start another on a Roman institution (legions or baths... ect.) for some contrast. (By all means this is a good start!)
  15. We still need to figure out how this will be moderated. I think naming a different moderator for each thread will turn out to be an organizational disaster. Perhaps create a new Moderation group? There would limited biasing because each topic is drastically different and probably out of the scope of the individual(s).
  16. Hurrah! I am a full-fledged member of the community now! :wheelchair: Beware, this will be a place of ranting and miscellaneous jolly banter. You know you love it. I am here against the grain. My parents think I'm nuts for an interest in history. I was called "Rome boy" the other day. My dad thinks Gaius is my stalker because he sent me an e-mail. I keep getting asked, "What's so great about Rome?" Answering won't stop 'em either. I will not persue the medical field. Biomechanical engineering sparks my interest but that's my niche. Breaking news. Just got back from the dentist. Wisdom teeth gotta go. Got my school schedule. Chemistry, Physics, AP US History. Ect. Ect. I'm not too thrilled over Algebra II. Must play pep band at a football game Friday. I think my guitar would be more fun than my clarinet. There will be more to come. Don't worry. Antiochus of Swissconsin
  17. There's a place called the Middle East. It has lots of oil, and can keep a nation in the air, moving on the ground, and afloat in the sea for a very very long time during a war. That oil. Actually, the Third Reich didn't plan on opening a market for the U.S. They planned on taking over the U.S, not offer markets.
  18. I see! I typed the first half and realized my mistake, so I typed the second half out.
  19. In the republican army, the armor you got was the stuff you could afford. Perhaps they were poor men. Since Caesar's army was after the Marian Reforms... I wouldn't know why they don't have armor.
  20. The idea for this came up as Gaius was editing my Romulus Augustulus paper. The idea behind this is to gather information on a topic- in a sense that several people put forward information in a manner that can be used to write an article. I had extremely limited access to sources on the topic of my article. If Jimmy had info to supplement an area of my article I was lacking, he could cite his book I don't have access to and add to the article. This is intended to accumulate knowledge-- not to whole-heartedly discuss and debate. ...And stop freaking out people. The citing would only be required in this sub-forum. Read.
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