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Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. Re nicotine. It is generally responsible for PAD, Peripheral Arterial Disease. Same symptoms you mentioned above. I hear that a new study has taken garlic off of the menu for bad cholesterol.
  2. While we are at it, were those 'dracos' on the wagons in the 'Triumph' episode. The salutes? The handshakes? Are they accurate?
  3. MPC, which five or all nine plus your observations? Let me tear a page out of your book - citations, please, from non-biased, trustworthy ancient authors. Your word on most topics is good enough for me - but not here. Still, you dont have to "quote", your word is good enough.
  4. " The Private Life of the Romans by Harold Whetstone Johnston, Revised by Mary Johnston Scott, Foresman and Company (1903, 1932) "163. If the slave belonged to the familia rūstica, the opportunities were not so good, but, by stinting himself, he might save something from his monthly allowance of food (
  5. Nah, I wouldn't order that done. We are friends. But, just in case he really ticks me off, P.N. Severus and J. Ratus are sharpening axes and swords. I am also keeping a sharp weather eye on :wub: DoL and that :mummy:. BTW, AoS , Cos., will need some lictors. G.O., Cos.
  6. The implications are enormous GPM. We live in a world where many people believe their personal salvation is based on the resurrection of Jesus. Now, how would one prove that? Maybe there will be a sign in the coffin stating God is in here? The scoundrels will make millions out of this. The D.C. narrator will start every inane statement with an equally inane question - that is when it is not interfering with a commercial.
  7. Where would a slave get the money to buy his freedom and what was his legal status thereafter?
  8. Can't wait until the Society of Holey Immaculate Telereverendos (S.H.I.T. for short) and All the President's Men get their dim wits on this on.
  9. Kekaumenos. This may help a bit:;cd=5&gl=us
  10. J.R., your main problem is MPC. Keep an evil eye on him, especially at the Ides of March. "The Year of Gaius Octavius". It sounds GREAT! I hope that which ever tyrants that run dates around here are paying attention. The members demand it! G.O., Cos.
  11. I blame the Pope. If the Inquisition still had any cojones, silly hoaxes like these either would not happen, or they would be "warmly" greeted. Very warmly indeed... Go get 'em J.R.
  12. I think that N.N. is right, yet I wonder if these items would be found else wise? Perhaps a legal venue could be provided for these hunters to be licensed and to receive a reward consummate with the value of a find.
  13. It was some kind and forbearing WIZARD OF CYBERSPACE, to whom C. has lit a votive candle.
  14. What are you talking about? Caesar's epilepsy? If you ask me, Cassius should have left him to drown. "Are you talking about Caesar's epilepsy?" Much better. ---------------------------------- Let's see, the entire world holds Caesar amongst the greatest of men, and not one of the most infamous. Yet, you few, you band of brothers, can't find enough ivory tower mumbo-jumbo and mental gymnastics to damn him with. Is Augustus next on your hit list? Should I suppose that you can conjure up what evils would have befallen Rome had he not been murdered by a bunch of base cowards. What a fine affair it would have been to leave the Republic in the hands of the likes of Cicero - the very ones who are responsible for this damned monster, Caesar. The Republic was dead before Caesar came on the scene! Well it's snowing here in the Heart of America - also. (How cruel this son of Caesar is! )
  15. Somewhere on this board, there was a thread on this subject recently.
  16. The alleged cruel acts were the commonality of the day. If his 'epilepsy' was a secret, how do we 'know' it today?
  17. By Iupiter's Stones, I see that the goal posts haven't moved a cubic iambiter. Back to the trenches! Whatever medical or physical problems he may have had, it seems that he overcame them. That is to his credit. Can this be agreed upon? Lets try it a different way. A little closer in time. Please diagnose G. Dubya Bush? That's rhetorical, but do you see my point?
  18. Excellent work AoS. Should be published somewhere. Israeli soldiers no longer swear their oath at Masada.
  19. :wub: I am sure that they both could have sung the song, but the one I remember is Ethel Merman, who could really belt out a song out.
  20. Northern Neil posted this in another thread: Not to befoul the other thread, what do you mean by this?
  21. Well, gang, here it is, proof positive: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17328478/site/newsweek/ Please wipe your shoes off before you leave this thread. :horse: I'm gonna have a pop. They could always check with mine!
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