In particular, what the facing bricks falling have to do with your $hitter freezin up?
The god-Consul sees !
1. Domina prez of Co-op.
2. Domina was in 10uhC tending to sister who had operation.
3. felt that he should take a look at crumbling tepee and report status to Prez.
4. Gaius thought that temperature was 45 degrees (F) above, so he went down to Hades with only a shirt (and pants and shoes) on. No jacket.
5. Temperature was more like 45 below. Dark out there in these climes at Witching Hour. Took some time for to see the matter.
6. Teeth commenced chattering; All parts of corpse initiated freezing process, from hair on headquarters to tiny toes on footsies.
7. When process complete, returned to warm apartment and commenced conducting experiments with Triple Sec.
Twas this, and nothing more.
Does all this clear the fog and raise the shades?