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Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. Last night we saw an adumbration - no sound for half the show.
  2. I understand that in addition to badgers and poisonous adders, there are black panthers prowling about Old Blightey these days. (I am not kidding around.)
  3. During the Late Republic and Early Empire, I am under the impression that there were six military tribunes to a legion and ten cohorts to the legion. If a tribune commanded a cohort, who commanded the other four?
  4. The air in queens is bad for you. Newtown Krik and all that.
  5. N.C. :wub: , if you need some animals, try polecat, badger, Tasmanian Devil, and bunny for Jasminia :wub:
  6. My Domina tells me that: "Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome" by Robert Harris, is a good read.
  7. Ursus, after all those questions, I am an 'INFJ'. Grief, it's easier with N.C's stuff.
  8. Unfortunately, DoL is right. The usual alleged "History Channel' twaddle. Interesting though. Good thing I don't know anything about the subject.
  9. Donna Sophia :wub: : Now that I think about it, you are spot on. And the Romans were barbaric! Whilst I am still sober: Boiling seems nice, But, if I had to have it done twice, I'd much prefer ice.
  10. You Midwesterners speak as flat as a day old beer on a radiator.
  11. Excepting Jasminia :wub:, they are all animals!
  12. Called 'Drawing and Quartering'. You Brits had it as one of your pass times.
  13. The Carpathian Journal of Metaphysics. I'm a Doctor of Metaphysics. Your comments on Eyetalians will be overlooked - this time only. Don Tomasso
  14. "Johnnie Walker - Red", must have been an expensive affair.
  15. :wub: & GPM: Mere twaddle! Your petty trifling pales in magnitude with that between the Magnificent Yankees and the malignant red socks.
  16. I think that this was used in witchcraft trials. "And does anyone remember the punishment of being tied to two trees which were bent to the ground, then allowed to spring upwards again, thus tearing the body in two? I know I've read that somewhere!" Until recently in S.E. Asia. Another, in that region, is to allow a bamboo shoot to grow up ones bottom.
  17. In particular, what the facing bricks falling have to do with your $hitter freezin up? :notworthy: The god-Consul sees ! 1. Domina prez of Co-op. 2. Domina was in 10uhC tending to sister who had operation. 3. felt that he should take a look at crumbling tepee and report status to Prez. 4. Gaius thought that temperature was 45 degrees (F) above, so he went down to Hades with only a shirt (and pants and shoes) on. No jacket. 5. Temperature was more like 45 below. Dark out there in these climes at Witching Hour. Took some time for to see the matter. 6. Teeth commenced chattering; All parts of corpse initiated freezing process, from hair on headquarters to tiny toes on footsies. 7. When process complete, returned to warm apartment and commenced conducting experiments with Triple Sec. Twas this, and nothing more. Does all this clear the fog and raise the shades?
  18. Sorry to hear that you live in queens. St. John's U. mean anything to U? Now, for your problem. It's Bell's Palsy. Put leeches on your nose, forehead, cheekbone and both jaws. Beef marrow for breakfast; chicken soup for lunch and lasagne for dinner. If you take supper, oysters and ale.
  19. You might also like to join the Brits at their meeting if you will be there when they hold forth. See: http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...amp;#entry57736
  20. Good grief :mummy:, where have your alleged wits been this past year? Get your entry into the Big Contest!
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