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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. I have enjoyed this debate and the erudite scholarship. I could nit-pick here and there, but that would be fruitless. As one who helped to start 'Academia', I believe that one of you will have to write up a summation giving the pros and cons of the debate and submit it for inclusion in UNRV 'Culture'. Please don't stop here.
  2. Gaius sees that the Forum has been fortunate enough to have picked up quite a few Patricii bound members in Gaius' absence. Congratulations to all.
  3. Happy Holidays to the Jewish members!
  4. Malthus and Milton Friedman were right after all! flush rimflour is spot on. Disease kills - not pollution!
  5. Hold up your ponies Tonto! You didn't get mine. Lady L_W got tetanus also! Await your turn! Anyway, yours is definitely paniletitis. ---0--- My Lord of the Herbs and L_W - knope.
  6. I can't quote an ancient physician, since I'm smashed. Try this: Standing up and suddenly fainting.
  7. G-Manicus: I don't know if I should love or hate you! Now I'm going to watch the GF trilogy over again - tonight! A suggestion. MAFIA means Mothers And Fathers Italian Association. Set up a thread named "The Godmother". The cast: Tattletale - Boss of Bosses. Doll - Boss of operations in kali4kneeya. Nephele - Boss on Lon Giland. Flavia Gemina - Mob historian. Pertinax - Head of operations in Brigantia. Pantagathus - Buttonman. MPC - Buttonman @ UNRV. Pick something grand for yourself. Since I'm the only Eyetalian in the group, I'll be the Godfather - naturally. Others may set themselves as they like.
  8. Does Mal(icious)adict approve of conspiracies here?
  9. Another clue ... The letters in the name he's known by can be rearranged to spell a type of bird (and NFL team) Hahaha! You're giving me an anagram clue? It's Nerva! (Raven, Baltimore Ravens) -- Nephele Raven = Ravens? Messalina?
  10. Agreed! The Temple of Dendur in the Metropolitan Museum (NYC) has graffitti, ancient and not so ancient, chiseled into its' walls.
  11. In addition to the Christians, didn't the Romans build the Colosseum over Nero's lake? Didn't the Romans destroy edifices for their purposes? The gutting of monuments was in part done for private purposes. A great deal of the Forum and a good bit of the Colosseum were "mined" during the Middle Ages and Renaissance to provide building materials and the stones were burnt to be used as a basis for concrete. Then there are the pyramids and Greece (Turks). The Aswan High Dam and the river the Turks are damming today and flooding Roman monuments. What I am trying to say is that the destruction of our history is not only a Christian crime.
  12. ... or a Michael: "I don't want to kill everybody; just my enemies"
  13. Oh! dear! I didn't know that large font size was shouting. Thought that it was the color red. Shall mend my errant way. Maybe the Lady Nephele will hear me. I am sure that both of you will be interested in this: http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...amp;#entry71335
  14. First, I would like to sincerely thank my friend, the noble MPC, for his generous clarification of my earlier post. --0-- For those of you unfortunate enough not to have been born a member of God's People, you may enlist in the MAFIA Auxiliary. No 'heavy' work involved. Open a local office and Nephele will set up a strip club for you. You can take honoraria from the local politicos. Just send me a big check and you are in. In the case of My Lady Sophia of the North, aka Tattletale, aka The Augusta, 'twon't cost her a lira and she will be the first Lady in the Official organization. I have some work for her. Don Tomasso P.S. Can y'all do the Italian (Sicilian) parts? "Fa me nu piachere. Lashe sta o can." Don't forget the 'Ndrangheta: http://gangstersinc.tripod.com/Carmelo/Ndrangheta/Intro.html And of course the Omerta: http://www.amazon.com/Omerta-Novel-Mario-Puzo/dp/0375502548 And the Camorra for those serious about it: http://da_wizeguy.tripod.com/omerta/id21.html Some of this goes back to Roman times. Have fun.
  15. It sounds so pleasant. I wish you many happy hours with it.
  16. Vast fortunes are are given to themselves, in perquisites and pensions, by the members of parliament. The president and prime minister have grand palaces. Easy to understand why there aren't enough lira for the Colosseum.
  17. You don't have gender? You look great to me, whatever gender you are. And you don't have 'friends'!? My Bride says its OK for me to be your friend.

    Welcome aboard.

    Gaius Octavius, Pater Arcanae

  18. A little late, so... Per cent an bell' 'e mom, et te voilia bene assai. Me.
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