A Problem:
Assume that a 'loan', at interest, was made on October 1, to be repaid one year hence. The Pontifex Maximus forgets to insert January and February into the calendar. How was the interest calculated, i.e., for 10 months or for 12? Was the repayment date reset to December 1? Or, was the borrower just out of luck and paid 12 months interest along with a 10 month 'early' repayment?
Another Problem:
A group of plebians are chatting in a pub and agree to meet 27 days later. Since I don't think that they had 'calendars' handy the way moderns do, how did they know when the time to meet had arrived? Were calendars posted on every corner of the city?
Tomorrow is March 20, the vernal equinox, should I be wishing all a Happy New Year?