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Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. MPC, let me try to explain my position. I am simply saying that there are a myriad of possible reasons for a price movement in anything. You are correct in saying that the price of gasoline generally does and will go up as summer comes on and down as fall arrives. After Katrina, the stuff was selling for $5 a gallon down there and the price of it jumped in the rest of the nation. The total supply was barely affected and same for total demand. I am not agreeing to one of two alternatives. I will agree to your EIA prices despite my sarcasm. But please be kind enough to cite where you disagree with anything I have written. As you well know gasoline supply is subject to monopolistic pricing. This has been going on for a century. And once again, I apologize to all for my untoward writings. P.S. Like 'adumbrated'. Haven't seen or heard it used in ages.
  2. Unfortunately, not in Brookfordshiresexingham. No channel 103.
  3. In my opinion, this is the TYPE of thread that should be edited and added to Academia. It is well cited and without vicious argument.
  4. There was a Senate in Constantinople. I don't know how long it lasted but there was a thread on the subject recently. The answer is probably on the home page.
  5. Tsar. Don't forget Bulgaria. Now that is what I call sound circular reasoning.
  6. I am back from Hades. Didn't you read Pantagathus' blog? Streakers are harmless and only cause a good belly laugh, so don't complain. As to the other thugs, My Cousin Don Vincenzo can clear matters up. In your case a freebee. My bride went to Beloit but I shan't tell you of her escapades. 5,000 cheeseheads! Ha! I have more cars on my block.
  7. I can't cite a source, but the reaches of my memory tell me that that is so.
  8. It's no wonder that Dr. Van Helsing failed in curbing the good Count Dracula's efforts. These herbs were not on his menu! Your assistance will be invaluable in the near future.
  9. What did the Ancients use for poisonous snake bites? Was urine used as an antiseptic?
  10. Nice work. (As usual.) I hope that you don't mind but I passed the pictures on to a friend. (I hope.)
  11. Are these the only options left for we indulgent mortals? Let's see. How about a commodities market crash? A stock market crash? The Fed dries up M1,2,3, & 4? The Fed floods the economy with dollars. The Fed runs the Fed Funds rate up? Down? Chavez stops flooding the market with cheap oil? The Seven Deadly Sisters decide to compete with Hugo? Mexico and Canada get ticked off with the current dictator in the U.S. and ship their oil to China, Bulgaria and Nepal? U.S. West Coast oil doesn't go to Japan? Putin and Luk Oil decide to get even for Chechnya? Georgius Secundus invades Waziristan? Viva Chavez! Viva Castro! Viva Bolivia! Viva Equador! Bye the buy, who is the miscreant that speaks (writes?) French like a Turkish horse?
  12. How about : 1. Aggripa (His life). 2. The training of the legions. (There is a start to this in the Forum somewhere.) 3. Commentary on the philosophy of Titus Lucretius Carus. 4. The governing system of Diocletian - its set up, strengths and faults. 5. Commentary on the plays of Titus Maccius Plautus. (The Pot of Gold.) 6. Laws governing slaves and their masters. 7. Business and economics. I mean for these topics (and others) to be submitted together at one time. I believe that there should be a number of topics at one time to engender the interest of members in their preferred areas for Academia. Some will need citation; others well considered commentary. Perhaps topics should be submitted and seconded for consideration. Volunteer Tyrants (editors) could apply for each topic in private messages. The present moderators know who the quacks are and who the serious contributors are.
  13. Maybe if you had an air conditioner your alleged brain wouldn't get over done. Still don't know whose blog you are witching about or is it your paper? Lots of luck kiddo. Do tell what you intend to do and where (don't forget to get A/C/). :fish:
  14. In re Moonlapses last post: How does one account for the lack of a solid liberal arts foundation in the schools of higher education? 'Government' intrudes least there, if at all. Don't modern parents have the responsibility to introduce their children to the classics? Unfortunately, all modern governments have a felonious elite in power. Their only object in life is their purses which are filled by an equally felonious corporate elite. "Money is speech." The exploits of A-Rod and Zedane are well known. Tom Paine is a window salesman; Shakespeare, an Indian chief.
  15. Great pic. I think that there is one in Arles that is used for bull fighting today. The Tappan Zee bridge has to come down; it's 50 years old!
  16. "We compare gemstones when there's no other customers in the store."
  17. Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution. "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." There doesn't seem to be a reference here as to whom it does not apply to. Since the U.S. is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, they are the law of the land. To my mind, the question is: are combatants not in uniform a proper subject for the Conventions? In WWII, captured combatants not in uniform were summarily shot.
  18. That's the general idea. Once upon a time there were state limits on interest rates. Then the banks had their 'way' with 'our' legislators. And thus the polloi were, once again, 'serviced'. Now, loan sharks look like pikers. To the other point, as the U.S. brings 'democracy' to Iwreck and Afghanistan, it takes away from its own citizenry. Something like squishing a balloon.
  19. Oh, blazes, why not throw a little Citgo on the fire? On a trip to New Jersey the other day when out of the Holland Tunnel and on Route 1, regular was anywhere from $2.25 to $ 2.35 a gallon. Except for Citgo which was $1.99. (Viva Chavez) On the northerly side Getty was $2.25 and on the southerly (back to expensive New York) side - opposite - $2.30. Missed the price at Luk Oil. Anyway, vote for Chavez. ----------------- Oh!, why not? Malbrough S'En Va T'En Guerre. Mironton, ton, ton, mirontaine. .... Monsieur Malbrough est mort ... est mort et enterre. Je l'ai vu porter en terre ... par quatre-z-officiers.
  20. You Brits can't have all the fun. Recently, there was a show about Rome on the History (sic) or Discovery channel (in the U.S.), in which the first emperor of Rome was called 'Julius Augustus'! These alleged documentaries place a premium on playing with the camera, background noise and flashing. Spectacle takes priority over facts. That is what sells. The above blunder should have been caught before filming. The 'historians' who are salted into these whatevers should be ashamed of themselves. Don't they look at the work that they are associated with?
  21. What's this about the Welsh not having a word for 'dismount'? Should a colonial take that to mean that the Welsh never dismount"?
  22. :notworthy: If it is fats that trouble you when eating offal, Lipitor will help. In the event of heartburn, two heaping tablespoons of Brioschi dissolved in three fingers of whiskey in your widest glass will do the job. Set the faggot alight and dump the other stuff on and see what happens. Like Lord Percy, you may reinvent 'green'.
  23. N.H. :sp_ike: , my Lord Black Adder is paying attention. Beware! Cecil, Earl of Brookfordshiresexingham
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