In deed, what have we here, indeed? Indeed, speaking for all U.S. citizens, we accept yer whatever, indeed. Will Prince Charlie be the exarch, in deed? But (indeed), let us address some blunders in the whatever be4 we get on wit it. (In deed!)
1. Now (indeed), you had better take yer advice and spell 'harmonise' with that 'zed' in it.
2. U.S., not US, indeed.
3. Indeed, pop off and get a punctuation guide. Try to use it, indeed.
4. Belgium is a wide spot on the road in upstate Noo Yok, in deed.
5. Crap? Indeed, my good man! 'Bloody'? Zounds! I say, in deed!
6. "...our"? Blimey! All y'all don't pronounce it "...oor", so why waste the ink, I say.? BTW, the 'u' was done away with because the U.S. had to bail you lot out of a couple of yer World Wars. Wat about dat useless 'H' y'all have burdened US wit?
7. I say! For a herd of people who eat provender and offal, yez av a a nerve to complain about American beer!
8. Wouldn't the national anthem be God Save The Kink? Wazn't The Mad German ruining affairs back when? I say! In deed!
9. Cahs? In deed, may dear felloe! If USians didn't buy European kaz, all y'all would be peddling rickshaws.
1. I say!, wil we av to say 'oot and aboot' for 'out and about' and learn what it meanz, (indeed), as Canadians must?
2. Wil we av to suk in air at every punctuation mahk as PEIers do? Uuuuuuuuughhh!
3. I say! Wil we hav to learn wot a wily-wonk and a bily-bonk iz?
4. Oh! I do say! Wil we av to learn what bangers and mash iz? Toad-in-the-hole? Hah? Bubble-n-squeak? Hah? Spotted Dick? Ay wot?
5. I say!, why must we drive on the rong side of de road? Ay wot? Uuuuuuuuuuughhhhhh!
Tempt me.
Capt. Black Adder, Ret'd.