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Everything posted by Ziriel

  1. Half right. The e in sine doesn't have a macron, while the e in die does. Hence, it's pronounced as "See-ne deeyay," in Classical Latin.
  2. I've heard the reason why Malboro chooses to put the "veni, vidi, vici" on its packs is to show how, they have conquered the world through ther cigarettes. And it really seems to have reached every corner of the globe.
  3. Thanks, but I've been really looking for the reason why some texts describing the scene on Constantine XI's farewell to Anna mention the word 'beloved,' as if hinting a certain closeness. From what I've read, she seems to be a relative, because of her mother being a Paleologi as he was. Could that be it?
  4. Woah. Almost 2 years, and still no answer... Anyone?
  5. I've been reading about the Fall of Constantinople and Constantine XI's last days, and I stumbled across one name: Anna Notara. Can anyone tell me who she might be, aside from being the daughter Loukas Notaras (the Great Duke of Constantinople)? From what I've read, with Constantine asking the Genoese to put her aboard their ship for protection, and her usage of the name Anna Notara Paleologa, I think it can be inferred that she was in a relationship with him... But perhaps anyone could provide me with proof? Please? Thanks in advance
  6. I think he's referring to the Byzantines, Ovid. Odoacer, the Germanic tribe ruler who deposed Romulus Augustus, was supported by Emperor Zeno in Constantinople. Odoacer gave Zeno the western imperial regalia, and "in return", Odoacer was elevated to the rank of patrician.
  7. After the Fall of the Roman Empire, Europe had a Feudal System, which drew on the Romans' latifundia, which in turn drew from the , or laws regulating land distribution. Taken from: http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/medieval/agrarian_law.htm FYI: It was also during a speech by Julius Caesar about the ager publicus, with Crassus and Pompey flanking him that the First Triumvate was revealed.
  8. Aside from the Cantacuzino family, the Dukes of Bavaria also descend from the Byzantine Emperors.
  9. According to Michael Mandelbaum in his interview on the Daily Show, one major difference between the US and empires of the past is that empires like those of the Romans want to rule the world, in many aspects (government, economy, religion, etc.). On the other hand, America only 'sets the stage' and/or invests for and in most country's governments. He also said that America (probably most of it) would love to get Iraq out of its hands, unlike most empires. Maybe the United States and the Roman Empire should get together to discuss one thing their rulers (Bush & Hadrian) could never do: pacify Iraq/Mesopotamia for a long period of time.
  10. Einhard, his biographer, said Charlemagne didn't want to be crowned was ignorant of Pope Leo III's intent. However, according to Wikipedia, Charlemagne later styled himself Imperator Romanum gubernans Imperium (emperor ruling the Roman Empire) to evade a conflict with the Byzantine Empire in the east, and not Imperator Romanorum (emperor of the Romans), as the Pope crowned him as. It seemed like the Pope crowned Charlemagne because of religious conflicts with the Byzantines' Empress Irene.
  11. Do you think today's society would tolerate or approve of an empire, run in the same way as the Romans did? Or did the events of 476 or 1453 show that the world no longer wished to have such 'governments'?
  12. Hmm... The Last Byzantine Emperor, Constantine XI, has one daughter, Magdalena, of whom I can't find any mention anywhere else aside from info from Constantine XI. Constantine had 5 brothers: John (childless), Theodore (1 daughter: Helena and maybe more), Andronicus (childless, became a monk), Demetrius (1 daughter: Helena) and Thomas (2 daughters, 2 sons: Helena, Zoe - later Sophia, Andreas and Manuel). Three Helena's are stated as descendants, aside from Sophia, Andreas and Manuel: - Helena, Theodore's daughter, married John II of Cyprus. They had one child: > Charlotte of Cyprus, who inherited her father's throne and died childless. - Helena, Demetrius' daughter, married Mehmet II and had no known descendants. - Helena, Thomas' daughter, married Lazar Brankovich, Despot of Serbia, before being annexed by the Ottoman Turks. - Zoe/Sophia, Thomas' other daughter, became Grand Duchess of Moscow as Ivan III's second wife. * Although Ivan and Sophia had children, Sophia's last known descendants perished in Russia during the Time of Troubles (1600's). - Manuel, Thomas' younger son, lived a comfortable life in Istanbul, but not much is known about his two children: John and Andrew. - Andreas, Thomas' elder son, became a de jure Byzantine Emperor with financial help from the Pope. He sold his 'title' to France's Charles VIII in 1494, but Charles dies only 4 years after. Andreas died in 1503, but named the famous Catholic Monarchs (Ferdinand II of Aragon & Isabella of Castille) as his heirs in his will. According to Wikipedia, "Thomas Palaelogus' male-line soon went extinct."
  13. Hello everyone! I found this site while searching for info about the Roman Empire on Google. I'm only a 16-year-old high school student, but since my 1st year in it (taking up Julius Caesar), I've always had this fascination for the Roman Empire, that seems to grow stronger every year... Sometimes I think there's something more than coincidence that I was born on the same date (May 29, 1989) as the fall of Constantinople (May 29, 1453). PS. What does UNRV stand for?
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