When I went to Spain a few years ago, I noticed 2 different trends--both in Madrid and in the smaller cities. Gen X'ers and Y'ers (particularly the latter) tended to think of 'fast food' as the (predominantly) American imports like McDonalds, KFC (which, btw, is no where near the American original..oh lordy..), Starbucks and the like--what most of us in the States and (probably) the UK would consider 'fast food'. Then there were the 'cafeterias' or 'diners' (for lack of a better word)--small holes in the wall which cooked up quick meals, but relatively healthy ones. Oh, sure, there's usually meat + starch, but always with veg of some kind, and relatively inexpensive. And, honestly, a whole helluva lot better than the other stuff. Along the same lines, one could always find stalls in the mercado central (as well as in El Corte Ingl