I listed my general reasons for Augustus. An expanison of the empire followed by peace, prosperity, urban and cultural rejuvenation. And quite simply one of the smoothest politicians ever.
On a personal note, I simply like the man. I've often wondered how I would have turned out if I were thrust back in time to the Late Republic. I like Augustus am not a military man and could not conquer Gaul like Caesar. In fact, I'd be quite happy to stay in my tent with food, wine and comely slave girls while my legates did all the work.
But perhaps like Augustus I have a certain strategic vision in mind, and an understanding of culture. A systems builder, in other words - the system being the empire and its institutions. Yes, I like Augustus because I like how he thinks. He set the tone of the empire for the next 300 years. Not many people have the long term vision to cast a shadow like that.