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Everything posted by Ursus

  1. The eagle, the lightening bolt, or SPQR
  2. Here in Pennsylvania, liquor shops are controlled by the state. The clerks are basically civil servant jobs, and alcohol is heavily taxed. I live very close to Maryland, where it's the more usual "private enterprise applying for state license" deal. It's a lot cheaper to simply cross the border and buy there.
  3. Personally I am more excited to hear they are making another Die Hard movie. Although I think Bruce Willis is getting a little long in the tooth to play the hero.
  4. It's just hard to beat Amazon. They often sell below retail price, charge no sales tax, and then there is the free shipping. Plus there is the huge US-UK market of 3rd party sellers for used books. This is where I get 75% of my own books.
  5. This will be either great, or it will suck. Depends on how they play it.
  6. You and Virgil 61 should get along, I believe he has the same two backgrounds. Welcome.
  7. Yeah, that's true. Though it made for a nice shopping experience. They were clean, bright, ritzy places with a nice coffee bar. Of course, if you can't sell enough books to pay the rent, it doesn't matter.
  8. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303661904576454353768550280.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories Personally I have always used Amazon so I don't care. But, yeah, those of you who are authors or aspiring authors might find this upsetting.
  9. I remember reading a physics experiment a while back where sub atomic particles were accelerated at 300 times the speed of light, and they arrived at their destination at a point in time seemingly before they left to begin with. Don't ask me the details because particle physics is not my strong suit. But as to the original question, I think time travel in the sense used by the original poster is impossible, and simply do not care to speculate. I have enough to worry about with weapons of mass destruction, overpopulation and environmental destruction, and simple fiscal mismanagement.
  10. David Brooks (who is a Republican) basically nailed it with the following commentary: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/opinion/05brooks.html?_r=2
  11. I'd still read a good biography on Sejanus.
  12. Yeah, I'm about ready to go into space to look for attractive space babes, because all the women down here on planet earth just keep getting more obese. Come on, Caldrail, let's get our own shuttle and boldly go find some green skinned babes in mini skirts.
  13. I hope he falls. There are just so many reasons ...
  14. I don't remember reading about that. The book was published in 2010, if it helps.
  15. http://www.unrv.com/book-review/fires-of-vesuvius.php
  16. You're right, most of space exploration was simply another theater of national rivalries, and one of the principle nations doesn't even exist anymore. I feel if we are to continue space exploration, it should be funded jointly by the developed nations of the world. Share the costs and the benefits. On the whole, though, I think we need to spend the money down here on this planet.
  17. Heh. That might have spiced up the movie for a bit.
  18. Oh, so the original story did have a female character? Yeah. I was wondering about that. Thanks.
  19. For those who saw the movie and read the book - how much does the movie follow the book? I need to know this for an upcoming review. Thanks.
  20. Why no movie? Lack of name recognition. Most people have probably heard of Cleopatra, a somewhat lesser amount have heard of Livia. But how many people who are not hardcore Romanophiles have heard of Galla Placida?
  21. Nope. Vague spirits don't lend themselves well to iconographic depictions, I suppose. But according to Thomas Brookside, they look like this. http://www.theindiespotlight.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/FBAD01.jpg
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