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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Ursus

  1. I am seceeding from the Union. Ursusland is born. You all are of course invited as honored guests of state.
  2. I like classical and neoclassical for the most part. Helps me relax and focus. Popular music usually doesn't appeal, but I've been known to listen to everything from Led Zeppelin to Weird Al Yankovic, depending on my mood.
  3. I can't think of many better emperors by comparison, simply put (using my own definitions of good and bad). His failures were few, and he established a socio-political regime that survived more or less intact for 3 centuries. Most of the better emperors of the Principate were good to the extent they were competent administrators in the mold of Augustus. As far as visionary political architects, he is matched only by Constantine (building upon Diocletian). And some would say Justinian the Byzantine is his equal, but that is outside my realm of expertise.
  4. http://discovermagazine.com/2008/jan/did-a...rn-civilization
  5. Ok, between religion and politics there is about 30 entries there for the Triumviri to clear. And of course anyone can add to it, so feel free.
  6. Ye gods! I appreciate the research, but there is so much just for those 2 months, I can't imagine doing a whole year's worth. I will add what I think is the most important stuff. Precendence will be given to the Late Republic and early empire.
  7. You have to add an individual entry to each date, which is time consuming. Later today I will add the most important of the religious festivals for the year, but I will omit the many minor ones. If someone could compose a list of the most important political events, I could add that as well.
  8. Lately the site sometimes gives me a white screen with a message: IPS Driver error.
  9. Well, I spent 10 hours yesterday watching the DVD. Having read a little on the history of the era, I realize now just how horribly inaccurate some of the details are. But nonetheleess I greatly enjoyed the series, at least in relation to the 2nd season of Rome. Maybe it was the writing. Maybe it was Sam Niell's performance. Maybe it was the sets and costumes. Maybe it was a never ending series of beautiful and often naked females. Maybe it was the fact I don't internalize British history the way I do Roman. But I enjoyed myself.
  10. When I moved the thread I went in and added the event to the calendar for you, DDickey. I believe it has to be cleared by a Triumvir before it becomes active.
  11. Ah, yes. The book starts out really well, and bogs dows somehwere in the middle. Still, an interesting overall read.
  12. Read the full article here: http://www.unrv.com/book-review/bacchus-a-biography.php Mr. Dalby graciously consented to be interviewed for this work. You may find the interview here..
  13. University of Virginia shall return Greek statues to Italian authorities. It is thought the statues represent the mother-daugther agricultural deity pair of Demeter and Persephone. http://www.wavy.com/Global/story.asp?S=757...mp;nav=menu45_2
  14. That was the first title I went to as well, PP. But the price is too much for me, updates or not.
  15. Thank you for posting this. Well done.
  16. Well, that in itself is a good point, though. Everyone sees the major movies, everyone plays the major games. Pop culture/ mass media items are conducive to discussion. Well it's not as much about enthusiasm as that it's easier to talk about something that you've tried yourself. There are by the letter thousands and probably even hundred of thousands of books on Roman history but only so many games in the class of Rome Total War. It's difficult to discuss a book you haven't read.
  17. Ok, here is the deal: Pausanias is our chief primary source on the Sibyl of Cumae. Frazer made a famous translation of Pausanias. I have not read Frazer's translation. I have not read Pausanius word for word either, only passages and summaries. However, the only thing in summary I can find is this: Pausanias mentions the locals at Cumae showed him an urn. The legend was the bones of the Sibyl were stored therein. Apparently the myth was the Siby asked her patron god Apollo to live for a thousand years, but she did not ask for the youth to go along with it; so after a few centuries of aging she becomes a very shrivelled up creature that can fit inside a jar. Pausanias apparently wasn't impressed by this colorful bit of local folklore. My advice is, if you are so inclined, find a translation of Pausanias by someone other than Frazer and read it yourself word for word.
  18. I thank everyone for the feedback. I noticed this generated a certain amount of enthusiasm not seen in most book reviews. Do you all feel UNRV needs more reviews and articles on popular entertainment with a Roman theme?
  19. It did seem to be lacking depth, I agree. Just not my cup of tea.
  20. Ah, well. I'm not a hardcore gamer, so I may have went into this with different expectations and values.
  21. I'll try to find out the answer. But as far as Graves, I agree you have to be very careful with his "history." He made a fine poet and translator, but there were times he seemingly could not separate poetry from his history. His poetic "reimagining" of classical religion gave birth to some very bad New Age theories which are still around today.
  22. A few years ago the History Channel produced some quality shows on ancient history. Lately its programming just sucks, however, with little mention of ancient history at all. Some of its programming is not even history per se - such as its specials on UFOs. A few days ago I watched one of its productions on the battle of the Hot Gates in the Persian wars. It was really well done! And it made a DVD on Roman engineering which wasn't bad; You'll see a review on it in the coming months.
  23. I am happy to present to you UNRV's first video game review. http://www.unrv.com/book-review/rome-total...old-edition.php Feel free to discuss.
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