Egypt: Land and Lives of the Pharaohs Revealed. Ancient Civilizations. This is a brilliant "coffee table book" that surveys all areas of Egyptian history. Highly informative for a mass market book. Great photos and illustrations. Includes an informational CD. To be enjoyed by casual and serious students alike. No public library should be without it.
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Ian Shaw. Not for the casual student, but delivers some great essays on all areas of Egyptian history. Quality varies with essay (some of these Oxford professors are extremely long winded), but overall an excellent reference guide.
Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt. Rosalie David. If you only read one book on Ancient Egypt, read this. Written for the general reader, it summarizes all areas of life. It has one of the best summaries of AE's long history to be found anywhere. Best of all, it is cheap!
Egyptian Mythology. Geraldine Pinch. A very readable introduction to the various deities of Ancient Egypt and their mythologies.
Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology. John. L. Foster. A sweeping survey of Egyptian literature as recovered from papyri and epigraphy. Includes religious hymns, folk tales, wisdom literature, and funerary dedications.