I would like you, my friends, to take one second out of your busy day, and ponder on the less fortunate, the oppressed, and your fellow man in general (or fellow woman, in this case).
Apparently the evil establishment in Ukraine shuts off the hot water in the summer for whatever outdated Soviet-era reason. And the exploited populace must, out of civil disobedience, take the bold step of donning a bikini and splashing around in public pools.
Yes, that's right. These sweet, innocent and idealistic young women are forced out of depravation to ignore their studies and defy their state. They must sadly humiliate themselves by removing the majority of their clothing and displaying their nubile bodies to passers-by as a means of attracting attention for their cause.
I feel for these poor, young girls, comrades. But I am moved by their struggle to stick it to The Man. In the name of freedom fighters everywhere, I say we support them. I think female college students across the world should show their support for their sisters' cause by also donning bikinis and splashing around in public fountains. We must not let the Ukrainian government get away with their foul deeds!