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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Ursus

  1. And I'll take Primus' answer regarding Saul of Tarsus. Had it not been for a Hellenized Jewish Roman citizen adapting Christianity to the philosophical and mystical vocabulary of Hellenistic thought, Christianity probably would have remained a marginal Jewish sect, and possibly died out soon after the Temple was destroyed.
  2. Does sound interesting, Cato. And Amazon has it pretty cheap. Might have to get it ...
  3. I don't want to seem greedy since I have a book coming already ... but this is too good to pass up. I'd be up for anything except Schied's book (which I have read), Syme's book (which I have but never got around to read), and McCullough's book (which I tried to read but found not to my interest).
  4. (moved to the Libri folder) Matthias Gelzer. _Caesar: Politician and Statesmen_ A bit on the dry side at times, but all the facts that are known are presented in a clear manner. Adrian Goldsworthy has a biography out which I also hear is pretty good.
  5. Soul of an old man? Thanks but not what i was looking for. I meant more along the lines of "timeless soul" or "eternal soul."
  6. How do you write "old soul" in Latin?
  7. Yeah, well, most people back then were in shape because they had to be. I look at the obesity epidemic in modern America, and I think the Judeo-Christian ban on nudity is one prohibition I can tolerate. ^_^
  8. I used IE until it became extremely unstable for some reason. Now I use mozilla as a back up till I figure out what's wrong.
  9. Just a literary term for spirits, without any of the negative connotations of Biblical lore.
  10. Using your spiffy new search engine, I found an article of mine I'd like added to the list of contributions. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...n+domestic+cult Thanks. :-)
  11. I just ordered the DVD from Amazon and am looking forward to it. Especially the commentary you cited above. I've been trying to get into the pre-Christian "Roman mindset" for a while now. And while I think I come closer to it than many people by virtue of studies in paganism, it's still difficult at times. It's really quite amazing how much cultural conditioning and baggage surrounds us, the weight (often dead weight) of history bearing down upon us as it were.
  12. Thanks for the concern, but in the 9 months you've been away I received a promotion and a raise. Enjoying myself a lot more than I did. My boss is even promising me my own office some day. Heh.
  13. A lot of the primary "histories" of that era read more like legend than anything else. Michael Grant's _The Etruscans_ gives a good survey of the Etruscans, backed by archaeology. It's worth a look. I'm sure there are probably more up to date books as well on the subject that I haven't read.
  14. Apparently the non-hardcover version of _History of the Later Roman Empire_ is not yet available. Hmm.
  15. A nice thread for the arena.
  16. Language seems to follow power most of the time. But this thread is supposed to be about paganism. If however everyone is interested in a broader discussion of Punic culture, it could easily be sent to the Forum Peregrini....
  17. You two know what you are talking about, but no one else seems too. You can continue the discussion by private message.
  18. Since this debate has shifted from Fidel Castro per se to Democracy versus Whatever, I do believe it's become argumentative and subjective enough to be sent to the Arena.
  19. It's a great book. Goes on a bit long at times, but an interesting new look at the later Roman Empire. The author also has a sense of humor at times. It helped arouse me an interest in the later empire, something I had previously neglected.
  20. Africa, the seat of Punic influence in the Western Mediterranean, rapidly became one of the most Romanized (and one of the most prosperous) provinces after the Third Punic War. I surmise much like the Etruscans and Celtic tribes living along the Mediterranean, the inhabitants simply abandoned much of their native culture since integrating into Roman culture was so profitable.
  21. I am going to try "History of the Later Roman Empire."
  22. So Pertinax, Pantagathus, Lost Warrior and myself are chopped liver? BTW, if this posts means you're finally back, then welcome back.
  23. Excellent posts, Jasmina. You're a welcome addition to this forum! The only thing I can add to this is that link between Mary and Isis is strongest in the respective iconography of the cults. Icons of Mary and the Christ Child bear something in common with the cultic depictions of Isis and Horus. One is tempted to say the latter influenced the former. I suppose there is no direct evidence, but consider that many temples to Isis were converted into shrines for the Virgin. Also, both cults seem to appeal to women strongly.
  24. Congrats on your first job. Glad you enjoy it. But a smart girl like you needs to go to college or a trade school so you won't have to do those menial tasks the rest of your life. Either that or marry a rich husband.
  25. A better question is: is there any evidence outside the Old Testament that large numbers of Hebrew Slaves were ever in Egypt in the first place?
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