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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Brett the Hitman Hart

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Everything posted by Brett the Hitman Hart

  1. i always will say that Augustus was the greatest. He may not be to some but he kept Rome together through two civil wars, brought stability to Rome and made the Roman people our at least attempted to make the people of Rome believe they were from mythical roots.
  2. I would want to be a legionary or just any free Roman Citizen during the 2nd Punic War. I consider this or the time of Augustus when Rome was at its best. When the Romans faced Hannibal and he defeated them at the battle of cannae, Hannibal sent someone to neogotiate Rome's surrender, the Senate however refused to even see him. This is Rome at its greatest time, they had the gift of being able to just put there heads down and fight it out. To see Rome at its best, fighting (in my opinion) the greatest commander in all of history Hannibal. That is when and who I would want to be in Rome.
  3. I would have to say that the Engineering and architecture is easily there greatest contribution to the modern world. Some of the Romans roads still exist today in North Africa from what ive read, these roads are almost 2000 years old. Also the romans aqueducts, baths, and sewage systems where far greater then anything that the Germanic Kingdoms who formed todays modern nations had. After engineering would have to be law and government, the romans ability to absorb different cultures into there own and the ability to govern these cultures for as long as they did is a great achievement.
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