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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Legionary

  1. Should I list them all the way to 24? lol I had: #1.) Seneca #2.) Marcus Aurelius #3.) Lucretius #4.) Paulus #5.) Cato Maior Unfortunately I know little of any of these. Could someone fill me in on Seneca and Marcus Aurelius please?
  2. Indeed I would like to discuss this topic of Americans being terrorists and I would not entirely disagree nor would I entirely agree for many truly are. But as I see this post is two months old so I probably missed the fun if the conversation, in that light, was continued.
  3. Well I didn't red through all the replies but I can say one thing. Ancient Germans used to die their entire bodies blue and were considered more powerful there further they were from anybody meaning they were so mean and warlike that they kept everyone away and depended power upon the amount of miles distance to the closest neighbor. I'm not learned enough to know around what time Germans practiced this or if it Had anything to do with the Romans but I figure I might throw in my little bit and see if it was legitimate.
  4. Also, They did call maximus the Spaniard but that was in his gladiator gear. He didn't show his face so they didn't know who he really was for a large part of the film. That would mean that since they called him spaniard it must have been because he had a horse emblem on his armour. (Horse emblem? Not sure but thats what I remember) So actually spaniard was what the crowds called him so his house location is still open for debate. Or I could be wrong. I'm not too sure.
  5. Ok thanks. I asked about their water systems. Can anybody answer that question? I have found a few books and have been reading them. They answer a lot of questions such as why the Roman empire fell.
  6. Say what do those little blue squares that appear under your name mean?
  7. Hi. I just saw this thingy that said 'Introduce Yourself' so I was obliged to do so. I know nearly nothing of Roman History other than what I have read here at this site so I have started posting questions and Primus has helped in answering some. So thank you Primus. Hopefully most of my questions will be answered and maybe I can find Comradship here as well as a good place to study on the subject of Rome. Z
  8. Well I have some questions about this site. When was this website started? Which forumn is the most active and for what reason? I read somewhere that you guys were trying to make this the best Roman History website in the world. When or how will you know if it is? Or is it already? In the movie 'Gladiator' what was the intended time of that movie? Like a general area of time in BC or AD is what I am asking. Also was Maximus's house in that movie supposed to be near a Greek city or no? And what types of armour did the Romans really wear? Like chain suits or Bronze plates? I also read that they had a really advanced street system and plumbing. Why were the road systems considered to be so advanced? And how did they control the waterflow so well with stone aquaducts without constantly having breaks in the rock from shifting ground? Or were these water systems set above ground on the stone streets?
  9. Ok thanks for all the info you guys. I did read all about the second punic war and earlier. Now I have a somewhat better understanding of some things. I will however stick around and keep reading what you have. Maybe when I finish all that I might be able to ask some more sophisticated questions as I have seen others doing around here. I also found that my dad is quite interested in this stuff as well though I don't think he will ask any questions. Could someone suggest another good source to learn more about Roman history? I haven't found anything else worth looking at yet so I'm hoping someone else has. Z
  10. ok. I just found this site yesterday and I think it is amazing. I have always been interested in Roman history but never really found an interesting place to study. So can anyone out there tell me things that happened in the Roman empire that aren't commonly known? Like what does a Gladius look like? Is it just a sword or what? I am also immensly interested in the warfare and tactics that the Romans used or was used against them. How did Hannibal fight so well against them and what were his purposes? Other than open war did the Romans have any spies? Or did they not prefer that? I know they sent some into Carthage but I am looking for something other than that. I will also be reading a lot more of the material at this site to try and learn some more about this ancient empire that survived for so long and conqeured so many. And what about the fall of the Roman empire? Why did it fall and what was the cause?
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