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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. btw. this is the irish poem http://homepages.wmich.edu/~cooneys/poems/pangur.ban.html
  2. I am so looking forward going in a couple of months to this exhibition called "The Power of Word" Monasticism in Europe, it is just a bit more then an hours drive away and hosts some of the biggest treasure of our western civilization... Some highlights are the oldest manuscript outside the Vatican, dating back to the 4th century, the oldest book austrias (http://www.stift-stpaul.at/Kultur/Bildseiten/Ambrosius4.htm) fascinating Minnesang manuscripts, and the world
  3. ...thanks for bringing this up, i changed it so everyone can see it now... cheers viggen
  4. i am not sure why our current gallery is not suitable, you can comment, you can put up description, you can make categories, you can rate it, you can discuss it, anything i am missing? http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?autoco...si&img=1342 cheers viggen
  5. ...thanks, although it was Ursus who reviewed it... cheers viggen
  6. no no, if we do it then properly, we would host it then... cheers viggen
  7. ok, Bryaxis, now to plan B hold on a while, i see if we can figure something out... cheers viggen
  8. Ask anyone to name a famous Roman. I suspect Juilus Caesar will be the common answer, with the colourful emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty not far behind. But these are all names from a short period of history. The astonishing longevity of the Romans and their Byzantine successors isn't always appreciated. We so easily forget that the Roman world survived for two thousand years in total. One character, Justinian, has been nicknamed 'The Last Roman' for his attempt to reunite the fractured empire of his day. His story is little known to the public, and even that overshadows the story of the man who fought for Justinian and led his armies to victory. This then is the tale of Belisarius, 'The Last Roman General'... ...read the full review of Belisarius: The Last Roman General by Ian Hughes
  9. Astronomers have reported that the Sun is at its dimmest for almost a century. Some scientists believe a similar "quiet spell" is connected to a cooling of temperatures in a period of time called the Maunder Minimum. Also known as the Little Ice Age, it lasted 70 years from 1645 to 1715 and featured The Great Frost which froze the River Thames in London for days. Interestingly, this period coincided with some of the most dramatic events in Scotland's history. A king was forced into exile, there was rebellion, famine, an ill-fated Scottish bid to establish a colony in Central America and a sandstorm buried a coastal estate. The span of 70 years also saw the signing of the Act of Union in 1707 and the unsuccessful Jacobite rising of 1715... ...full article at the BBC
  10. hello, I hope i understood right, you want to participate in an archaeological dig? and does it have to be in Rome? here are some legit field schools The Vultur Project http://www.vulturproject.com/Join.html San Martino Archaeological Field School http://mail.rochester.edu/~ecolanto/sanmar...sanmartino.html Poggio Civitate Archaeological Project: 2009 Field School http://poggiocivitate.classics.umass.edu/ Tuscania, Italy Etruscan Archaeology Field School http://www.lorenzodemedici.org/summer_archaeology.html Poggo Colla Field School http://smu.edu/poggio/ The Kent/UCLA Field School on Late Roman Ostia http://www.archaeology.ucla.edu/Italy-Ostia/overview.htm Archeodig Project: Researching a Roman Coastal Settlement on Poggio del Molino, Populonia http://www.archeodig.net/en/ Monte Testaccio, Rome http://www.archaeospain.com/testaccio/ Earthwatch Institute - Discovering Italy
  11. ...i see, that would mean we have to get Moonlapse involved as this is beyond my capabilites and the current set up... cheers viggen
  12. If we could be a fly traveling back in time and watching historical events......i bet we would be most of the time pretty much disappointed, I mean, there were no orchestra playing in the background when Caesar was stabbed to death, no different camera angles on any of the battles, no special effects, no make up, highly valued monologues of hour beloved orators would probably interrupted, by coughing, chit chat at the back seats... on a site note...to the battle fields; i saw a documentary on the battle of Gaugamela, how different must have been the experience of the individual macedon soldier depending were his location during the battle was, compare the soldier who was fighing right from the beginning with Parmenion's forces on the flank, to the Peltasts who was hiding behind the cavalary getting engaged much later... i am sure both would have had told a totally different story about the battle, not even talking about Darius forces... what do you think, would we all be pretty much disappointed being a fly back in time?
  13. ...i am all for more content, images etc.. ...what else would that project page need that the current Gallery we offer can not? We are talking of uploading images and add text, that the gallery can handle already right now, or you mean like a static page like my trips to Noric villages http://www.unrv.com/roman-events/aguntum-photos.php? or something else... ...and thanks for all your enthusiasm, ambition and ideas, keep them coming... cheers viggen
  14. In the light of our understanding of deep time Daniel Lord Smail argues that it is high time that the two disciplines (History and Archaeology) were reunited. read the article Why do we have history and archeology? ...what you think? cheers viggen
  15. Rome Total War (RTW) seems to have set the standard for a Roman gaming experience, and all games are necessarily compared to it. Having found RTW wanting in several respects, I was definitely ready for an improvement. I wanted to find a game that left RTW in the dust, allowing me to write a triumphant review boldly proclaiming that RTW had finally been consigned to oblivion. Unfortunately Europa Universalis: Rome (henceforth designated as EUR) did not adhere to my expectations. Rarely have I been so disappointed. Consider this review a warning to not waste your time and money on this flawed product... ...read the full review of Europa Universalis: Rome
  16. An ancient script that's defied generations of archaeologists has yielded some of its secrets to artificially intelligent computers. Computational analysis of symbols used 4,000 years ago by a long-lost Indus Valley civilization suggests they represent a spoken language. Some frustrated linguists thought the symbols were merely pretty pictures. "The underlying grammatical structure seems similar to what's found in many languages," said University of Washington computer scientist Rajesh Rao... ...full article at Wired
  17. http://www.proc.britac.ac.uk/cgi-bin/somsi...=volumes/pba141 great stuff, thanks to Adrian Murdoch for pointing me to this link... cheers viggen
  18. Viggen

    Call me Director

    yup there is no cheaper way to make a limited company in europe to have the same rights with an austrian equivalent Ges.mbH i would need 30 times the amount to actually start it, and the british insolvency law is a beauty... p.s. just to clarify i might have explained wrong, for the company austrian law is applicaple (including tax), the huge benefit is stated above (but still if i would work from the UK i would pay much less tax)
  19. ...help would be appreciated...
  20. ...if you have missed the newsletter we have sent out a week ago, it is now in the archives, ...the winner for the History Channel Giveaway have been choosen and been notified...
  21. ...just a reminder that the show is today, (btw. thanks to History Channel i was able to see the first episode already[guess the first one in Austria]) pretty good, especially the parts of that island that has been abandond by humans 30 years ago and how that looks today, but see for yourself and watch the show, i enjoyed it....
  22. Viggen

    Call me Director

    ...no, just for tax reasons the company is situated in the UK...
  23. Viggen

    Call me Director

    ...so, i am now proud director of a UK Private Limited, the company is situated in Stockport near Manchester, although i have no idea what i am going to do with that, i feel important for now ...i convinced a friend of mine that it would be a good idea to have in his CV a UK Limited company hehe, and it is a rather nice Tax Shelter when it comes to personal income that you do on the side... so here it goes.... The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that XXXXX is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 as a private company and that the company is limited. ...but wait, uh, what about Scotland and Northern Ireland?
  24. ...is now on the front page, with its own page http://www.unrv.com/culture/surnames-of-the-sempronii.php thanks Nephele... cheers viggen
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