I would like to pumb this thread
In order to encourage more community contributions to our quickly growing site, we've come up with an idea that will hopefully inspire some new articles. (I have stumbled across major writers block and can only seem to put together a little bit here and there, lately. Hopefully that changes as summer fades away )
Regardless, we'd like to offer random recently published books (sometimes fiction, sometimes non) to community members, courtesy of unrv, to review and submit as new articles on the site. We'd like to do this monthly (perhaps more depending on the response), and give as many who are interested a chance at a book freebie. However, to be fair, we want to start by limiting it to those who have already submitted reviews or other articles.
If they decline of course, we'll open it up to anyone who is interested, and will also do so once they all get an opportunity (provided they want to do it). Obviously people have difficult schedules and this is not intended as a homework assignment, but as a way to say thank you for your support, while giving us a little bonus in return.
We'd appreciate any feedback on this idea from anyone, not just those folks mentioned... and we would like to get started right away.
For those of you who aren't mentioned by name... If you'd like to have an early shot at an occasional free book, just submit a review of a Roman related book you've read and we'll happily add you to those that are already in 'the club'