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Better not tell them that hehe, as i mentioned above to Ursus, for now one link should be more then fine, for someone looking for places, and once we have settled we have most of them, we going to make for each place its own page with much more info, so be patient my friend...
University College London - Institute of Archaeology: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/ thanks for the input, i had a closer look and updated it now; University College London; UCL Department of Greek and Latin - http://www.ucl.ac.uk/GrandLat/classical_subjects on that page is also the reference link to the archaeology institute, that should be suffiencent i think, thanks again...
I feared someone would start soonerer or later with the USA god there must be hundreds of them would it make sense to sort them by state or region at least? btw. i am not sure if we need both links, the first one should cover what we want with this topic, if (as my long term goal is, creat a dedicated page to each university we can go deeper into the nitty gritty and details, what you think... cheers viggen
A really fascinating read, you should not miss... In a study that promises fresh and perhaps personal insight into the earliest European visitors to the New World, a team or researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison is extracting the chemical details of life history from the teeth of crew members Christopher Columbus left on the island of Hispaniola after his second voyage to America in 1493-94. "This is telling us about where people came from and what they ate as children," explains T. Douglas Price, a UW-Madison professor of anthropology and the leader of the team conducting an analysis of the tooth enamel of three individuals from a larger group excavated almost 20 years ago from shallow graves at the site of La Isabela, the first European town in America. ...you can read the full article at Sience Daily
i own a white and a black UNRV shirt and have the mousepad, all exellent quality i can assure you... once we sell them in droves we can talk about figurines, swords and sandals...
classics is perfect, http://www.leeds.ac.uk/classics/ added to the list, thanks...
that must be that one, http://www.arts.manchester.ac.uk/ thanks, added to the list... btw. medieval ist not enough to be on the list, thats what i meant..., (specialists like byzantine would be ok, or early medieval too)
...are they having any special classics courses, or just history in general (most universities just offer history that starts with the medieval period)
...a list of continental (europe) universities will be of course also soon be established, so dont stop ^^...
...so i filled in all the english universities i had in mind, now its your term, are there some missing (i am almost sure there are), so help to make the list complete... cheers viggen
Australia, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand Canada Concordia University; Classics - http://artsandscience.concordia.ca/cmll/Classics.html McMaster University; Department of Classics - http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~classics/ Queen
United States of America California California State University Northridge; Classical Civilization - http://www.csun.edu/~hcfll004/classics.html Stanford University; Department of Classics - http://www.stanford.edu/dept/classics/home/ UCLA; Department of Classics - http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/classics/ University of California, Berkeley; Department of Classics - http://classics.berkeley.edu/ Connecticut Trinity College; Classics - http://www.trincoll.edu/Academics/Study/Classics/default.htm Wesleyan University; Department of Classical Studies - http://www.wesleyan.edu/classics/ Yale University; Department of Classics - http://www.yale.edu/classics/ Florida Florida State University, Department of Classics - http://www.fsu.edu/~classics/ Georgia Emory University; Department of Classics - http://www.classics.emory.edu/ Illinois Loyola University Chicago; Department of Classical Studies - http://www.luc.edu/classicalstudies/ University of Chicago; Department of Classics - http://humanities.uchicago.edu/depts/classics/index.htm University of Illinois; Department of the Classics - http://www.classics.uiuc.edu/ Indiana Indiana University; Department of Classical Studies - http://www.indiana.edu/~classics/ Purdue University; Classical Studies - http://www.cla.purdue.edu/classics/ Iowa Cornell College; Classical Studies - http://www.cornellcollege.edu/classical_studies/ Kentucky University of Kentucky; Division of Classics - http://www.uky.edu/AS/Classics/ Maryland St.Johns College, Campus Annapolis; Classics and the Western Canon - http://www.stjohnscollege.edu/ Massachusetts Amherst College; Department of Classics - https://www.amherst.edu/academiclife/departments/classics/ Boston College; Department of Classics - http://fmwww.bc.edu/CL/ College of the Holy Cross; Classics Department - http://www.holycross.edu/academics/classics/ Harvard University; Department of the Classics - http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~classics/ University of Massachusetts Amherst; Classics Department - http://www.umass.edu/classics/ Michigan University of Michigan; Interdepartmental Program in Greek and Roman History - http://www.lsa.umich.edu/ipgrh/ Minnesota Carleton College; Department of Classical Languages - http://apps.carleton.edu/curricular/clas/ Macalester College; Classics Department - http://www.macalester.edu/classics/ University of St. Thomas; Department of Modern and Classical Languages - http://www.stthomas.edu/mcl/ Mississippi University of Mississippi; Department of Classics - http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/classics/ Missouri Washington University; Department of Classics - http://artsci.wustl.edu/~classics/index.php New Hampshire Dartmouth College; Department of Classics - http://www.dartmouth.edu/~classics/ New Jersey Montclair State University; Classics and General Humanities - http://www.chss.montclair.edu/classics/classics.html Princeton University; Department of Classics - http://www.princeton.edu/~classics/ Rutgers University; Classics Department - http://classics.rutgers.edu/ New Mexico St.Johns College, Campus Santa Fe; Classics and the Western Canon - http://www.stjohnscollege.edu/ New York Brooklyn College; Classics Department - http://depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/classics/ Columbia University; Department of Classics - http://www.columbia.edu/cu/classics/ Cornell University; Department of Classics - http://www.arts.cornell.edu/classics/index.asp University of Buffalo; Department of Classics - http://www.classics.buffalo.edu/ North Carolina Duke University; Department of Classical Studies - http://www.duke.edu/web/classics/ Ohio Miami University; Department of Classics - http://montgomery.cas.muohio.edu/classics/index.html Ohio University; Classics and World Religions - http://www.classics.ohiou.edu/ University of Akron; The Department of Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology - http://www3.uakron.edu/anthro/csaa/index.htm University of Cincinnati; Department of Classics - http://classics.uc.edu/ Oklahoma University of Oklahoma; Department of Classics and Letters - http://www.ou.edu/cas/classics/index.html Oregon University of Oregon; Department of Classics - http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~classics/ Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr College; Department of Greek, Latin & Classical Studies - http://www.brynmawr.edu/classics/ Bucknell University; Department of Classics - http://www.bucknell.edu/x860.xml Dickinson College; Classical Studies - http://www.dickinson.edu/departments/clst/index.html Duquesne University; Department of Classics - http://www.classics.duq.edu/index.html Pennsylvania State University; Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies - http://www.cams.psu.edu/ Rhode Island Brown University; Department of Classics - http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Classics/ Tennessee Vanderbilt University; Department of Classical Studies - http://sitemason.vanderbilt.edu/classics/home Texas Rice University; Classical Studies - http://classics.rice.edu/ University of Dallas; Department of Classics - http://www.udallas.edu/classics/ University of Texas; Department of Classics - http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/classics/ Virginia Hollins University; Classical Studies - http://www.hollins.edu/undergrad/classical/classics.htm Randolph-Macon College; Classics - http://www.rmc.edu/Academics/classics.aspx University of Mary Washington; Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion - http://www.umw.edu/cas/clpr/ University of Virginia; Department of Classics - http://www.virginia.edu/classics/index.html VirginiaTech; Classical Studies Program - http://www.fll.vt.edu/Classics/ClassicsHome.html Washington University of Washington; Department of Classics - http://depts.washington.edu/clasdept/ Wisconsin University of Wisconsin; Department of Classics - http://classics.lss.wisc.edu/index.html
Foreign Languages Europe Finland; University of Turku; Department of Classics - http://www.hum.utu.fi/oppiaineet/klassiset/en/ Sweden; University of Gothenburg; Department of Historical Studies - http://www.historiskastudier.gu.se/english Sweden; University of Lund; Department of classical history and archaeology - http://www.ark.lu.se/ Sweden; University of Stockholm; Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies - http://www.antiken.su.se/pub/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1818 Sweden; University of Uppsala; Archaeology and Ancient History - http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/indexeng2.htm
Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Ireland Queens University Belfast; School of History and Anthropology - http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofHistoryandAnthropology/ Cardiff University; School of History and Archaeology - http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/hisar/ Bangor University; School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology - http://www.bangor.ac.uk/history/ University of Lampeter Wales; Departement of Classics - http://www.lamp.ac.uk/classics/ University of Swansea; Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology - http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/ University of Edinburgh; School of History, Classics and Archaeology http://www.shc.ed.ac.uk/ University of Glasgow; Department of Classics - http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/classics/ University of St. Andrews; School of Classics - http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/classics/ University of Ireland, Galway; Classics at Galway - http://www.nuigalway.ie/classics/ University College of Dublin; School of Classics - http://www.ucd.ie/classics/
I want to collect a link of all the University in the world relevant to our site, your help is greatly appreciated, below are all the Universities relevant to Classical Studies, if one is missing shout.... England University of London; School of History, Classics and Archaeology - http://www.bbk.ac.uk/hca/ University of Birmingham; College of Arts and Law - http://www.about.bham.ac.uk/colleges/artslaw/ Canterbury Christ Church University; Department of History and American Studies - http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/arts-humanitie...udies/Home.aspx Keele University; School of Humanities, History - http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/hi/ King`s College London; Department of War Studies - http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/sspp/ws Lancaster University; Department of History - http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/history/ Newman University College Birmingham; History - http://www.newman.ac.uk/Subject_Areas/History/ The Open University; Department of Classical Studies - http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/classtud/staff.htm University of Nottingham; Department of Classics - http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/classics/ University College London; UCL Department of Greek and Latin - http://www.ucl.ac.uk/GrandLat/classical_subjects University of Bristol; Department of Classics and Ancient History - http://www.bristol.ac.uk/classics/ University of Cambridge; Faculy of Classics - http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/ Universtiy of Chester; Department of History and Archaelogy - http://www.chester.ac.uk/historyandarchaeology/ Durham University; Department of Classics and Ancient History - http://www.dur.ac.uk/classics/ University of Exeter; Department of Classics & Ancient History - http://huss.exeter.ac.uk/classics/ University of Kent; Classical and Archaeological Studies - http://www.kent.ac.uk/secl/classics/ University of Leeds; Department of Classics - http://www.leeds.ac.uk/classics/ University of Leicester; School of Archaeology and Ancient History - http://www.le.ac.uk/archaeology/ University of Liverpool; School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology - http://www.liv.ac.uk/sace/ University of Manchester; School of Arts, Histories and Cultures - http://www.arts.manchester.ac.uk/ University of Newcastle; School of Historical Studies - http://www.ncl.ac.uk/historical/ University of Oxford; Faculty of Classics - http://www.classics.ox.ac.uk/ University of Reading; Department of History - http://www.reading.ac.uk/AcaDepts/lh/History/history.htm University of Southampton; School of Humanities - http://www.soton.ac.uk/history/ University of Warwick; Classics and Ancient History - http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/ University of York; Department of History - http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/hist/
A while back (before my health deteriorated) i posted on my blog about how amazing i found it that there is basically non self help book out there that does not at least quote on line from M. Aurelius. (i remember even one Law and Order Episode were M.Aurelius played a big role) Now ASCLEPIADES encouraged me to repost this entry here, which i dont, i just refer to my blog instead, however i would like to add another question; with all his insight and gurunesque smartness, and then also looking at what became of his son, he obviously failed to teach his son a lesson or two, so M. Aurelius, not only the first guru but also the worst life coach? (considering the insights and knowledge he had) cheers viggen
For more than 60 years scholars have believed that the Dead Sea Scrolls were the work of an ascetic Jewish sect called the Essenes, who lived in the 1st century in the mountains and recorded their religious observances on parchments. Now a new theory challenging the broadly accepted history is sending shockwaves through the archaeological community, even leading to the arrest of one prominent scrolls scholar
If not for the opponents he faced (Al "I invented the internet and nature itself" Gore... ...oh well, old myths don`t die Gore never claimed to have invented the internet
Celebrated classics professor Mary Beard has brought to light a volume more than 1,600 years old, which she says shows the Romans not to be the "pompous, bridge-building toga wearers" they're often seen as, but rather a race ready to laugh at themselves. Written in Greek, Philogelos, or The Laughter Lover, dates to the third or fourth century AD, and contains some 260 jokes which Beard said are "very similar" to the jokes we have today, although peopled with different stereotypes
...happy birthday MPC
"We live in an amazing world, and it is wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots that dont care..." Comedian Louis CK on the current generation and how unthankful they seem to be... ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoGYx35ypus pretty funny stuff and as someone who actually grew up with no cellphones, computer etc, i can relate to this, you too? ;-)
happy birthday PP, god we are really getting old...
thanks to everyone...
Four slaves of Rome. Bound by destiny. Fighting for honour, freedom, and revenge. This book follows characters from different backgrounds interwoven together. A series of events sees the lives they know torn apart and changed forever... ...read the full review of The Forgotten Legion by Ben Kane