...when faced with a symbolic, emotional challenge, the knee-jerk response of most red-blooded managers is to counter the issue with substance, with the facts. So in the case of AIG, we are told that the bonuses were contractual obligations, that they were essential to keep the talent necessary to wind down complex positions. And, even that without them the government bailout funds would be permanently lost because the company would not be able to function....
If you consider the truly great leaders throughout history, they have ways of re-framing the issues that acknowledge emotions but put them in a greater context. Consider a literary example, the "friends, Romans, Countrymen" speech written by Shakespeare, who describes the eulogy given by Mark Antony at Caesar's funeral. ...Antony's call for judgment and reason, and the introduction of perspective ("you all did love him once, not without cause"). Now, I'm hardly one to try to hold our business and political leaders up to Shakespearean standards of oratory. But the basic message