By Guest, in News,
Another review has been completed for our Roman Books section, thanks to community member Ursus.
As I trudge about Romanophilia in my own amateur way, I have discovered that books written in bygone eras offer an enthralling Old School view whose charm is seldom replicated in modern times. They are often dated, but not always outdated. They offer a straightforward presentation of facts rather than a tableau of convoluted revisionist theories. They are imbued with a prosaic language rather than postmodern jargon. Finally, they seem possessed of a genuine conviction and enthusiasm rather than the cynical nay saying of modern academia. It is with regards to such virtues that I devoured H.H. Scullard?s A History of the Roman World, 753 to 146 BC... the full review of A History of the Roman World, 753 to 146 BC by H.H. Scullard.