I asked a professor of Classics. He said the translation is good.
"No problem on the translation. What your friend has is accurate in vocabulary, grammar and word order. Ready for a tattoo or motto!
Signifer Sancte Michael, illumina viam meam"
-- doesn't seem to be a Reply tab on Guy's post and can't find the OP on this topic. ..BUT--
According to Suetonius-- as Caesar sat down before the assembled Senate, several conspirators approached him as if to pay respects. The lictors were probably behind or off to the side and not positioned to defend Caesar from the attack which began suddenly and unexpectedly. https://www.livius.org/sources/content/suetonius/suetonius-on-the-death-of-caesar/ (ch 82)
Maybe the better question is what did they do in the immediate aftermath of the attack? Maybe they just scrammed realizing that they had just failed their mission?