Right, Guy.
Solar installations require extensive concrete foundations, access roads and continuing traffic for cleaning & maintenance. They essentially "pave over" acres & acres of natural habitat, irreparably disrupting the ecosystem. The mining & processing of the raw materials are done in countries without environmental regulations and devastate the countryside & ecosystems in those countries. Wind & solar installations have only a 20 yr useful lifespan and disposal of the materials is an environmental nightmare....The wind mills chop up birds & insects while the solar panels fry them.... We will politely ignore the social concerns of using poorly paid children and slaves to do the mining of the raw materials in China & The Congo.
..To make it worse, they do nothing at all good for the environment. Co2 is a minor factor in the planet's energy balance at the concentrations we see now- and getting less important as levels go up-- please educate yourself as to the concept of "Extinction of Absorption" and the exponential effects of absorption....
We should want to raise co2 levels. Higher co2 levels are a factor in the greening of the planet, serving as "air fertilizer." Greenhouse growers add co2 (to a level of 2000ppm vs 420ppm in the ambient atmosphere) to increase photosynthetic productivity.
BTW- to get his back to Roman history-- Around 250 BC, Hannibal lost half his men and all but one of his elephants thanks to the cold weather in The Alps. Two hundred years later, Caesar, an astute observer & describer of natural history in his Commentaries, never once mentions ice or snow despite having crossed back & forth from Cisalpine Gaul to Transalpine Gaul several times during that period....With Alpine glaciers now receding, they are leaving uncovered trees dating from Caesar's time. These obviously grew in much warmer times than the present climate conditions.
It's all natural and there's nothing we can do about it. Ask King Canute.