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Oh the Joy!



so school is now completely over 13 years.. finally over as my hsc wrapped up a few weeks ago.. iu think i did ok.. i only need about an average of 72 to get into teaching :lol: so i should prolly get that. if not oh well gonna do social working anywayz..


next week at this time i will be on the plane to the south american country of Chile. why on earth is he going there you might say. well i have all my relatives there on my fathers side and plus my cousins in australia were going to so i thought 'why the hell not' should be spending some time in the andes aswell as just sticking around the capital Santiago.. should be an experience because last time i went i was like 5 and that was like 11 years ago.


aswell as going to Chile i was 'forced' or lets just say 'convinced' to go to peru and visit both Cuzco and Machu picchu.. i was fine with this until i was told that i was doing the 'trek' which takes like 4 days to get up the bloody hills *oh god* though it should be good the altitude is gonna stuff me as though my asthma has been proving i think its going to go ballistic up there.. who knows :D.. ive been 'training' for it doing long walks along sydneys coast.. not that its gonna help lol


other then finishing school and preparing for the trip. not much else has been happening. im just trying to decide what byzantine emperor to write an article on next.. possibly and angeli but im not sure.. suggestions? anyway ive also been reading a book called 'history of the byzantine state' by George Ostrogorsky and so far its been quite good. similar to Norwichs i suppose but its good so far.


anyway thats my rant after like a few months


Ciao! *gotta practice my espanol!*


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aswell as going to Chile i was 'forced' or lets just say 'convinced' to go to peru and visit both Cuzco and Machu picchu.. i was fine with this until i was told that i was doing the 'trek' which takes like 4 days to get up the bloody hills *oh god*


Wow! That's going to be some amazing trip! 4 days on foot, to get there? Please take lots of pictures for us! How exciting! :lol:


-- Nephele

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Well, I'll repeat what I said in the post...according to my Peruvian friends, definitely take tours, but make sure they're the 'official' kind...there are plenty of cheap 'unofficial' tours which will lead you astray.


Also, make sure to bring extra asthma medicine. You will definitely need it in the mountains, and it's not always obtainable. Your doctor should be able to write you an extra prescription.


Above all...ENJOY IT!!! Qu

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aswell as going to Chile i was 'forced' or lets just say 'convinced' to go to peru and visit both Cuzco and Machu picchu.. i was fine with this until i was told that i was doing the 'trek' which takes like 4 days to get up the bloody hills *oh god*


Wow! That's going to be some amazing trip! 4 days on foot, to get there? Please take lots of pictures for us! How exciting! :lol:


-- Nephele


yep 4 days on foot last day we leave early and see the sunrise from machu picchu :lol: cant wait. and i sure will take some pics when i can catch my breath lol!



Well, I'll repeat what I said in the post...according to my Peruvian friends, definitely take tours, but make sure they're the 'official' kind...there are plenty of cheap 'unofficial' tours which will lead you astray.


Also, make sure to bring extra asthma medicine. You will definitely need it in the mountains, and it's not always obtainable. Your doctor should be able to write you an extra prescription.


Above all...ENJOY IT!!! Qu

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C'mon...llamas...automatic Monty Python reference!


Between the asthma inhalers and the altitude sickness pills, you should be fine. Go slow, is all I can tell you...slow and steady. And Aquatabs are ALWAYS a great idea when travelling...you never know what you're going to run into!

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C'mon...llamas...automatic Monty Python reference!


Between the asthma inhalers and the altitude sickness pills, you should be fine. Go slow, is all I can tell you...slow and steady. And Aquatabs are ALWAYS a great idea when travelling...you never know what you're going to run into!



ooo sorry :lol: not a big monty python fan *shock horror*!

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