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The Case of the Missing Screwdriver



In the shed next door to ours is a load of disused racking. UT, otherwise known as the 'Gypsy', has always insisted that the site manager, NF, had told him he could take it away anytime. NF on the other hand argues the opposite, and insists on payment. Well finally The Gypsy had his way and turned up to dismantle the racking and cart it away fror scrap. He borrowed a screwdriver from us for the purpose.


UT and Small H have their own way of dismantling. Instead of top down as any sane person would, they insist of doing it from the bottom up, and manoevered their van to support the structure and prevent it knocking the sheds over.


As usual UT stopped by to eat lunch and have tea, and apart from having to chase after his van to pull the handbrake on, life carried on at a leisurely pace.


"Have you got that screwdriver? " I asked.


UT told Small H to fetch it. Small H said he didn't know where it was. There then followed a series of farcical searches and accusations. This continued until AD threatened to withdraw teabreak privileges. The screwdriver was quickly found in UT's toolbox.


"Don't know how it got there..." They said....


Revelation of the Week

According to Small H, millionaires have the habit of going to London and busking as One Man Bands. He knows because he's seen it, and Small H admitted to performing as a One Man Band in his younger days. He had to give it up because he didn't want to be famous. Now you know...


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This all sounds like a Laurel and Hardy Moment to me. Stan Laurel and Olliver Hardy were a famous comedy pair who made the transition from silent films to the

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I'm not making this up. Those guys have been dismantling the world and his dog for thirty years. They're incredible - they really are - they just seem unfettered and unhurried by life and simply will not conform to society. The world will be poorer without them!

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