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Another week.



And even as I've been stressed until my limits I must say it's been a really good one. So far I've handed in one paper (that I'm at the moment translating for anyone who's interested. It's on dating methods and survey techniques.). I've received a new paper to write 10-12 pages in ancient mill techs (Yes I enjoy ancient technology a lot :)) that are to be handed in the 16th. It's quite a pain in the ass but I've been a good boy and so far I've got 8 pages. My big essay is also, more slowly admittedly, progressing 10-11 out of 25 written. I'm currently working on what the hell Frontinus is talking about. It seems like I run into all the strange, dubious parts.


Actually I've even had time to work yesterday, moving furniture for a company. I really need the extra money so it's kinda good. Beside that I've been watching the movie Flood, it was rather much a rip-off from The day after tomorrow. B-movie, not very good but the beginning was really funny.


- The waves must be 50 feet tall sir.


- That's impossible!


- Arghhh blub blub blub (HUGE wave drowning them)


Oh yeah that too, we've had this years first snow now. I guess I'm finally really writing from the land of ice and snow now :)

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