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Avatar and pic update.



Well it's been one hell of a week this one. Halloween is indeed a dangerous time of the year. The essays are to progress at the same time as I am to attend to party's this year it was two of them. Nope, I'm very much not complaining about that! I went dressed as an evil druid hopefully I'll find a decent picture when my friends send them and I'll show you how evil I can be. Had a really great time! Actually I've also had the privilege to be able to make some extra cash, helping a company move. Getting more work from there next Friday, I guess I can't say that I'm looking forward too it however it does feel good to do something but study all the time!


Anyway to the subject at hand, I've finally updated my avatar and profile picture have fun with them everyone! I just thought I might let you all know and see what you think about the new avatar. I'm so used to the old that I can hardly say if I like the new one or not.


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