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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Yay! Lol



Thank Gods this week is better than the last two. My ISP is being a pain but hey...whatever right?


I want to build an altar I'm starting to get farther into the Roman paganism as well as...well I'm a bit of a mix really. :D I worship both Celtic and Roman Gods to a degree...(I used to have an altar...but that was a long time ago)...I'm just thinking about where to get supplies for it lol...too much planning, not enough doing. I guess I'll eventually have to kick myself in the butt instead of waiting for the right thing....


I'm wondering what I was thinking taking AP chem, although I'm really glad I took AP english. That chem is going to kill me though, lol. :D


By the way, Trillian is awesome. It was confusing at first though. I accidentally lost some convos :D


I'm reading a biography of Caesar for English...and writing a review of it. It may be a while to wait for the review though, but I'll post it when it's finally done :D


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Hehe yea. I had the COOLEST teacher in 10th grade history. He was OBSESSED with Greece, Rome, and anything military (he had us reinacting a phalanx in the hallway)


Now I'm in POD, which is pretty boring and I really wish I didn't have to take it, but its easy at least :P

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Supplies for a Roman domestic altar are not that hard to find.


First, find a space in your bedroom to use as an altar. A shelf, or the top of a dresser.


Put a candle or oil lamp on top of it, a place to burn incense or scented candles, an offering dish, and a place to store incense. Put pictures of loved ones and items meaningful to you and your family.


Most people put statues or figurines of their favorite gods on their altar. These can be hard to find for a cheap price. I can recommend a few sites, if you're interested.

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I got it set up :P I don't have any statues but I used other things...feathers, and a painted feather (I painted the feather for Jupiter) beads and such. I still need to get an incense burner, because I don't think my neon dragonfly one is really appropriate. And I need to figure out what sort of thing to make an offering of...

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